Pennsylvania bishop suppresses local traditionalist priestly

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His predecessor, Bishop Timlin, was an ardent supporter of the Society. Then it was discovered that their founder/superior was a sodomist, and the Society apparently had a history of sorts with abusing young boys.

From what I understand, the founder/superior was booted from the schismatic SSPX over his sodomistic tendencies.

What’s scary for me is that I almost joined the Society of Saint John, and pulled out (no pun intended) immediately after hearing of the allegations, and just in time to enter the Society of Saint John Cantius’s postulancy!

A young, handsome, sexy guy like me . . . I could’ve been fresh meat for these perverts!

They also had a penchant for spending thousands of dollars on extravagant furnishings for their headquarters. Part of the reason for the suppression was the financial mess they created for the diocese. Despicable.
They also had a penchant for spending thousands of dollars on extravagant furnishings for their headquarters. Part of the reason for the suppression was the financial mess they created for the diocese. Despicable.

also very despicable on their part,from the view of traditionalists, they didn’t say the Traditional Latin Mass,by the 1962 Missal. They celebrated the 1965 Missal, which was an intermediary missal between the TLM and NO. The 1965 Missal allowed Mass in the vernacular, ended the prayers at the foot of the altar, and the Last Gospel,and an altar versus populum.
Katolik beat me to the punch.

As far as I know, the 1962 Indult societies are doing quite fine. I pray that they continue to grow as well.
They celebrated the 1965 Missal, which was an intermediary missal between the TLM and NO. The 1965 Missal allowed Mass in the vernacular, ended the prayers at the foot of the altar, and the Last Gospel,and an altar versus populum.
Are you sure? I’ve seen clips of their Masses, and they were in Latin, and facing the altar.

I do know that these priests had some sort of former ties with the Benedictine Abbey of Fontgombault, which celebrates their own special (and approved) version of the 1962 Missal which closely reselmbles the 1965 Missal. I detailed these differences in another thread. Would you like me to renumerate them?
What’s scary for me is that I almost joined the Society of Saint John, and pulled out (no pun intended) immediately after hearing of the allegations, and just in time to enter the Society of Saint John Cantius’s postulancy!
Would you be open to providing a “day in the life of . . .” regarding your experience within the Society of St. John Cantius?

I too am discerning a priestly and/or religious vocation (and married life too), and have leanings to a traditional expression of the Catholic Faith. I’ve read through the website materials for SSJC, but want to know more . . . Presently, I can’t apply anywhere, as I’m waiting on the results of the annulment proceedings regarding my previous marriage.

I first “discovered” the Society of St. John (not John Cantius) when returned their website in a search for “contemplation” and “lectio divina.” Interested in the community, I began to read through most all of the website and found myself a bit excited.

But then I read this (and other related articles):

See also:

That whole situation is very sad. We should all pray for the former members and “victims” as well.

By the way, does anyone know to where the innocent priest-members of the suppressed society are exiting. Is it to the FSSP, the SSJC, all sorts of different communities?

In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Would you be open to providing a “day in the life of . . .” regarding your experience within the Society of St. John Cantius?
I honestly wouldn’t know where to begin. Their daily honoroium is more-or-less provided on the website here.

It’s changed a bit since then, but you get the basic idea.

The best thing for you to do to ind out is to call and arrage for a visit. Father Phillips would be more tha n glad to have you over for a few (or several) days. Just call up and tell him about yourself.

Also, tell him that Eric Giunta (pronounced: JUNE-ta) sent you.

If he doesn’t hang-up the phone on you right away, then he’ll at least be glad to (indrectly) hear from me, and glad to know I’m sending him ocations, and so am still there in spirit. 🙂
The SSPX warned about those guys.
So you know they’ve gotta be baaaaaaad. 😃
By the way, does anyone know to where the innocent priest-members of the suppressed society are exiting. Is it to the FSSP, the SSJC, all sorts of different communities?
Actually the priest-members as well as the seminarians are part of the diocese. I believe that the bishop must grant them leave if they want to go to an order. The Society of St John was not a religious order, it was a public clerical association under the diocese.

So these guys are diocesean clergy, not religious clergy.

The seminarians are just that, seminarians, even though the SSJ calls them brothers, they are not.

Even though the society has been suppressed they still sent out a Christmas donations appeal after the suppression.
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