Pentti Linkola's Criticism of Modern Christianity

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I agree with this - the Church in modern times has promoted only God’s love at the expense of God’s justice; pacifism at the expense of righteous indignation and just war; tolerance at the expense of admonition.

“Only a while ago, the Church spoke of the fear of God, of humility, and of the need to counter sin with virtue, altruism and care for one’s neighbour. Now this yes-man of an institution, hankering after earthly power, is promoting only forgiveness and mercy. How tremendously distant this feels from the guideline “we came not to be served, but to serve” that only a few decades ago the church was following!” - Pentti Linkola.
Pentti Linkola
One ought to consider both the source of the above quote as well as the context. Wikipedia describes Pentti as “a radical Finnish deep ecologist, ornithologist, polemicist, naturalist, writer and fisherman. He has written widely about his ideas and in Finland is a prominent, and highly controversial, thinker.”

I don’t know the context of the statement on religion made by Linkola, or what prompts him to opine on religion in general, but any one who is “highly controversial” in Finland, a highly secularized and hyper-progressive society, can add something interesting to the discussion.
I don’t think it really matters what his other opinions are. I just think he happens to be right with this one.
I’d disagree, though…albeit not with a polemicist! The Pope constantly teaches us about caring for one’s neighbor just like he did when only Buenos Aires knew the name Jorge Bergolio.
I wonder how liberation theology and the social justice movement fits into the idea of charity and the love thy neighbor concept of Christianity.
What are you on about. Hell and punishment are very real
To exist without God’s love for all eternity in a state of irredeemable mortal sin is hell and divine punishment.
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