People of the Books

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What are the last three books you read?
  1. God in search of man. By A.J. Heschel
  2. Team of Rivals (about Lincoln’s cabinet)
  3. Otherworld. (Sci-Fan.)
  1. The Bible (always 👍 )
  2. Completely reread all of CS Lewis’ Narnia books
  3. A historical novel about Henry VIII and his first wife Katherine of Aragon.
The last book that I have read is the Bible! The other books mentioned may be useful, but the Holy Bible is God’s inerrant Word to us! This doesn’t matter if you are a Catholic or a Protestant. The Bible is the only book that is without error and inspired by God! :clapping: :bounce: :love: :amen:
Catholic Understanding of the Gospels (pamphlet by Fr. Peter Stravinskas, I am not into long books any more, short attention span)
One-volume Narnia books, re-read over the last few weeks
instruction manual for my new printer-fax-copier-scanner (on-line)
Catholic Understanding of the Gospels (pamphlet by Fr. Peter Stravinskas, I am not into long books any more, short attention span)
One-volume Narnia books, re-read over the last few weeks
instruction manual for my new printer-fax-copier-scanner (on-line)
The Chronicles of Narnia are wonderful! C.S. Lewis was a great Christian, and a friend of J.R.R. Tolkien. By the way, the movie was great. I also love the Lord of the Rings, both the books and the movie! Wonderful Christian influence in “popular fiction”.:dancing:
Catholic Understanding of the Gospels (pamphlet by Fr. Peter Stravinskas, I am not into long books any more, short attention span)
One-volume Narnia books, re-read over the last few weeks
instruction manual for my new printer-fax-copier-scanner (on-line)
wow. I never met anyone who actually read the instruction manual!
  1. Wheel of Time series ( Book 7 ) by Robert Jordan
  2. Wheel of Time series ( Book 8 ) ditto ( 4 more to go…)
  3. Eragon by Chris Paolini
Currently reading Eldest (sequel to Eragon ) by Chris Paolini

The Movie ‘Eragon’ will be released in December.
  1. Wheel of Time series ( Book 7 ) by Robert Jordan
  2. Wheel of Time series ( Book 8 ) ditto ( 4 more to go…)
  3. Eragon by Chris Paolini
Currently reading Eldest (sequel to Eragon ) by Chris Paolini

The Movie ‘Eragon’ will be released in December.
everytime I get up to volume 8, I forget enough to cause me to start re-reading the series. Still waiting for the last one to come out in paperback.
Learning Visual Basic 2005 in 24 hours

The possibility of salvation among the unevangelised an analysis of inclusivism in recent evengelical theology by Strange, Daniel.

Jesus as God the New Testament use of theos in reference to Jesus by Harris, Murray J.
  1. Bible
  2. CCC and the Compendium CCC.
  3. Mother Angelica The Remarkable Story of a Nun, Her Nerve, and a Network of Miracles
I just finished reading Hop on Pop for the small fry.

Its a thumbs up IMHO.
  1. CS Lewis “The Problem of Pain” (re-read)
  2. Stroebel “The Case for Christ”
  3. Some mystery novel that I keep in my desk and cannot remember the title…
  1. a biography of Padre Pio
  2. A Landscape with Dragons by Michael O’Brien…my husband was recommended this book regarding Harry Potter, but he’s finishing up another book, so I began it, but haven’t finished it yet. It’s good though.
  3. Father Elijah by Michael O’Brien. Awesome thus far.
Oh I had Hop on Pop as a child … yeah, it was great 🙂

For some great but less well-known Seuss I’d recommend Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose (for the older tots thoug)
The Gospel of Paul by Ronald Knox
With Empty Hands: the Message of St. Therese of Lixieux by Conrad de Meester
The Power of the Ring: The Spiritual Vision Behind the Lord of the Rings by Stratford Caldecott
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