Perpetual Adoration at your Parish

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How many of you have either perpetual or partial adoration at your parish?

We have had perpetual adoration at our parish for slightly over three years now and what a great experience! I don’t know all of the benefits from the adoration but if you read through our indulgences granted through the prayers of our community of adorers it is really taking off!

God Bless to all.
So far only one day per month with exposition, but the church is open for visits everyday of the week until about 9:00pm.
We do!

I attend Sacred Heart of Medford, Oregon. We’ve had Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration for approx. two years.

I have a funny story to share.

When I signed up for Adoration, I didn’t understand the faith yet. I thought it sounded like a neat thing to do. They gave us adorers a pamphlet that said, “God is really Present in the Adoration chapel.” I thought it would be cool to be in the presence of God!

I went in and sat down my first night at the Adoration Chapel. I was alone. I went up to the golden cross with a star around it and looked at it. It was kept in a recessed golden box on the wall. I didn’t know what the white thing in the middle was though. LOL!!! I thought that the white thing in the middle must be a decoration, like a piece of marble or ivory LOL! Anyway, I approached the golden box thing looking for God inside, literally. (The pamphlet said God was inside the Chapel, you see). There were mirrors inside the golden box. I tried sticking my head in the golden box to see if I could see God. I didn’t see anything though. I was confused, but stayed anyway, figuring that I’d learn what this was all about soon.

I read lots of catechism books for the first time in the Adoration Chapel. Also read lots of the Bible for the first time EVER right there in the Adoration Chapel.

About six months later, someone put a pamphlet in the foyer that showed pictures of Eucharistic miracles. It then CLICKED in my mind that the white jewel in the middle of the golden cross was a host! LOL!!! I felt so stupid!!!

Forgive me. I’m the only Catholic in my entire family. I was baptized Catholic as an infant, but no one taught me ANYTHING! I walked in a blank slate. I really thought God was somehow transmitted into the tabernacle by some sort of light or tractor beam, like in Star Trek. I was mostly right.

No one mentioned that the white thing in the middle of the monstrance was a host. AHHHH. I remember many times when I was alone LOOKING for God in that box and wondering what everyone was talking about. LOL!!!

Later on, I had a few Eucharistic miracles take place in presence of the Monstrance and Host.
I LOVE my Adoration Hour!!!
We have adoration with exposition every Thursday. 8:00 am - 12:00 noon in the chapel across town, and 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm in the chapel here in my neighorhood. Right now they are looking for people for 5:00 - I guess I’m going to change my hour from 4:00 to 5:00.

We have a Perpetual Adoration chapel in my parish church. I’ve been going more frequently lately. I go after daily Mass and have been staying for just half an hour. Besides the peace that slowly comes upon me, it’s the tears I notice most. They gently roll down my cheeks most of the time I’m there. Also, a great sense of gratitude accompanies my prayer.
We’ve had Perpetual Adoration at our parish for ten years.

My parish has just begun Perpetual Adoration, such as it is. I pray that it catches on and becomes 24/7. My son and I have one hour on Saturday afternoons. No exposition at this time, though.

My parish, St. Mary’s in Littleton, CO, has adoration with exposition from 5 AM to 11 PM daily. I have the 5 AM hour once a week. Though I have not yet experienced it here, in my former parish in Nebraska there were a few occasions in adoration when I heard an ‘inner voice’ that I believe was the Lord. It was so powerful, so loving, and the message so clear and consistent with His teaching that I am convinced it was He. I encourage all who have the opportunity to spend time with the Lord in that environment to do so as often as possible. It is well worth the time.🙂

St. Francis de Paula, Tularosa, NM, going on six years (I think) of perpetual Eucharist Adoration!

I’m on from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. on Tuesdays and have been for almost two years!

Camp Pueblano:
How many of you have either perpetual or partial adoration at your parish?
We do!

I used to have the 3am Sunday shift, so twice a year we got to deal with the changes to/from Daylight Savings Time.

Now I just go Sunday evenings with my wife. It’s a great blessing.

We do! Well we have perpetual adoration but little exposition.

Here is my synopsis of the story.

Our parish grew and needed more worship space. We did enlarge our church, but our archbishop is one of those who is of the mind that the Tabernacle should not be near the altar during Mass. :banghead:

He wanted to move the Tabernacle – and our Lord – to a broom closet.:eek:

Our parish wanted a Eucharistic Chapel. We got one – we tried to squeeze that sour lemon of an idea to be good and fruitful.

Our Archbishop, bless his heart, doesn’t think that perpetual adoration is possible without a religious order to staff the icky hours. So he allows us very little time with Exposition.

We countered with a full blown adoration program. We had over 600 people – out of a parish of 2500 families – sign up during the first adorer invitation weekend.

We have a wonderful program in place and our parish and local seminary are showing it. It is an awesome gift to the Lord that is so rewarding for us.

The usual comment of a new adorer is “The hour went so fast!”
the Eucharistic Chapel is open from 8 to 5 daily, same as parish office hours. when CCD starts, since someone will be there to lock up, we can keep it open two evenings a week. Until recently we never had exposition or holy hours. In planning for the Year of the Eucharist, our bishop has called for parishes to come up with a plan. Through the summer we had holy hours once a month. when CCD begins we want to teach the young people about the Real Presence, the prayer of adoration, sacred silence etc. Our goal is to give each class a chance to plan and carry out holy hour for the parish each week, Youth 2000 style, now that some of them have had a chance to experience that – WOW. We hope the youth will lead the rest of the parish. We are also planning a Eucharistic procession to coincide with the Eucharistic Congress in Mexico. It is our hope that renewed reverence and appreciation and adoration of Christ in the Eucharist will be the seed of badly needed parish renewal.

A nearby parish has perpetual adoration, so I trek over there in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep.
We have a mixed situation.

In March (the 25th of course) we celebrated the first full year of Perpetual Adoration. The pastor allowed us to convert the room behind the altar (about 200 Sq ft) into a chapel with a an entrance from the church proper,and another to the outside (combination entry)

He only allowed it to happen, for which we are grateful.

He does not actively support it or participate, for which we continue to pray.

A nearby parish has perpetual adoration, so I trek over there in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep.
You realize of course, if you keep this up, He will wake you often?:yup:

We have had Perpetual Adoration for 17 years. One or two people take an hour once a week. There are at the least 24 people a day praying and 168 people weekly.

We also sign cards for some of the people we pray for, and mail it to them, so they know we are all praying for them, 24 hours a day.

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