Yesterday at work, I was told by my assistant manager to remove the Miraculous Medal that I have been wearing since it violates the organization’s policy. I obeyed her request, but when I consulted the employee handbook it did not say anything about forbidding workers from wearing any religious symbols. It only stated that employees are forbidden to wear t-shirts with slogans, images, or words that contain sexually explicit, political, or religious themes. But according to her, a religious medal falls into that category. I should even point out that there are many Muslim workers who wear the hijab and have a special place to pray in the break room (“equality” at its finest). Nevertheless, I showed up to work today with the medal and was again told to remove it, this time by my manager and his supervisor. I adamantly argued that it was my right to wear the medal and that the employee handbook does not prohibit the wearing of religious symbols. I also added that I am not here to evangelize or convert anyone and I keep my beliefs to myself. I even asked them why they allow the hijab and a Muslim prayer space at work but I’m not allowed to wear my medal. They told me that the Muslims pray during their break time and can do whatever they want during their break, which for some reason to them is acceptable and does not violate the organization’s policy. This whole ordeal left me angry, upset, and with lots of tears. It was the first time I cried in front of my co workers.
Surprisingly, I received much support from two assistant managers, who happen to be Muslims by the way, and other fellow co-workers. My colleague, who is a practising Buddhist, gave me lots of words of support. She told me to stand firm for my Catholic faith, even to the point of death, and to pray for strength in times of persecution.
When I think about what I went through today, I am very thankful that the form of persecution that I endured was nothing compared to what our fellow brothers and sisters are going through at the hands of ISIS. I pray that Our Lord, through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, would give us all the grace of a firm faith, especially at times of persecution.
Surprisingly, I received much support from two assistant managers, who happen to be Muslims by the way, and other fellow co-workers. My colleague, who is a practising Buddhist, gave me lots of words of support. She told me to stand firm for my Catholic faith, even to the point of death, and to pray for strength in times of persecution.
When I think about what I went through today, I am very thankful that the form of persecution that I endured was nothing compared to what our fellow brothers and sisters are going through at the hands of ISIS. I pray that Our Lord, through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother, would give us all the grace of a firm faith, especially at times of persecution.