"Personal Best" or "Brokeback Mountain"?

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Which one of these two homosexual-themed movies would you rather put up with?
  • “Personal Best”
  • “Brokeback Mountain”
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Sorry, haven’t seen either. Gimme more options.

How about?
  • Philadelphia
  • Boys Don’t Cry
  • The Birdcage?
I saw Brokeback Mountain, I’m guessing about 10 years ago. I remember that I thought it was a well made and well acted movie. I couldn’t really relate to the subject matter. But the plot was well done, and I remember appreciating that.

But, yea, The Birdcage is hilarious. Haven’t seen the other ones.
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I absolutely adore “Brokeback Mountain”. Would highly recommend. Heath Ledger and especially Jake Gyllenhaal are two of my favourite actors. “Donnie Darko” (with Gyllenhaal) is in my top 25 films of all time.
Saint_Anthony8, keep in mind that Catholic News Service has deemed Brokeback Mountainmorally offensive.” Steven D. Greydanus doesn’t recommend the movie at all.
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Brokeback Mountain was an okay movie. I could totally see that happening in real life, sadly.

Never had any desire to watch Personal Best. Female athletes don’t interest me.
Saw a bit of Brokeback mountain. It was sad but also sobering about homosexual relationships

I condemn the movie for showing Sodomy as something acceptable
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The question should be, since we are in a Catholic forum, which movie do you think hurted God the most? Or which movie entertains you the most and makes you less holy?
I don’t think the Apostle Saint Paul and neither the Apostles would have approved such things for us to give palms and praise them because “they’re so artistic” “they’re so philosofical” and such
I might sound like a puritan to some but this is a catholic forum, like to help us be santified and learn about faith, let us remember to cesar what cesars and to God what belongs to God

God bless us and helps us all with his guidance and love 🙌
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What about “As Good as it Gets” with Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt? I love that movie.
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I don’t watch filth. It’s worse than pornogaphy - at least porn depictd natural sexual relations between man and woman. These films show unnatural relations and normalise a sin that cries to heaven for vengeance! There’s no merit in films that exist to warp the moral conscience. Society needs wholesome movies that encourage normal behaviour. These films glorify an intrinsic disorder. Although the movie “Philadelphia” did convey that the wages of sin is death.
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Although the movie “Philadelphia” did convey that the wages of sin is death.
Whoa @Saxum . HIV/AIDs is not retribution or judgement for being homosexual. Many also contracted the disease through blood transfusions. 😔
First, man is not a beast. Man Is made in the image and likeness of God. Nature means in accordance with purpose. And the purpose of sex is reproduction. Homosexuality isn’t logical and it perverts the meaning of sex.

I’m appalled that this thread is here.
AIDS started with the gays and then spread like wildfire. We all know it spread in large part because of sexual promiscuity.
This is factually incorrect.
People sometimes say that HIV started in the 1980s in the United States of America (USA), but in fact this was just when people first became aware of HIV and it was officially recognised as a new health condition.
At first the disease was called all sorts of names relating to the word ‘gay’. It wasn’t until mid-1982 that scientists realised the ‘disease’ was also spreading among other populations such as haemophiliacs and heroin users. By September that year, the ‘disease’ was finally named AIDS.20
The first verified case of HIV is from a blood sample taken in 1959 from a man living in what is now Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The most commonly accepted theory is that of the ‘hunter’. In this scenario, SIVcpz was transferred to humans as a result of chimps being killed and eaten, or their blood getting into cuts or wounds on people in the course of hunting.
Source: avert.org

I would strongly suggest to read up on the subject, as spreading misinformation is not helpful and also marginalises those who bear this cross.
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