I am interested in myers-briggs personality types. I am an INTJ. And I know St. Paul of Tarsus was one. And Our Lord Jesus Christ is one. I believe since Our Lord became fully man He would have had to choose 1 of the 16 types. He chose to be an INTJ.
All the biblical prophets were INTJs. The psalms were written by an INTJ so I assume David was an INTJ. Many false prophets (particularly influential ones) were like muhammed, hegel, continental philosophers, ayn rand, richard posner, richard rorty. Kant was an INTP this is why he deifies reason because logic is his first function. Many analytical philosophers are INTP for obvious reasons.
What personality type are you? Ironically some of you will be adverse to typing because of the type of personality type you have. Any other INTJs here?
Philosophical/Theological point: Why did God set it up this way?
All the biblical prophets were INTJs. The psalms were written by an INTJ so I assume David was an INTJ. Many false prophets (particularly influential ones) were like muhammed, hegel, continental philosophers, ayn rand, richard posner, richard rorty. Kant was an INTP this is why he deifies reason because logic is his first function. Many analytical philosophers are INTP for obvious reasons.
What personality type are you? Ironically some of you will be adverse to typing because of the type of personality type you have. Any other INTJs here?
Philosophical/Theological point: Why did God set it up this way?