Personality Types - INTJ - Our Lord Jesus Christ

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I am interested in myers-briggs personality types. I am an INTJ. And I know St. Paul of Tarsus was one. And Our Lord Jesus Christ is one. I believe since Our Lord became fully man He would have had to choose 1 of the 16 types. He chose to be an INTJ.

All the biblical prophets were INTJs. The psalms were written by an INTJ so I assume David was an INTJ. Many false prophets (particularly influential ones) were like muhammed, hegel, continental philosophers, ayn rand, richard posner, richard rorty. Kant was an INTP this is why he deifies reason because logic is his first function. Many analytical philosophers are INTP for obvious reasons.

What personality type are you? Ironically some of you will be adverse to typing because of the type of personality type you have. Any other INTJs here?

Philosophical/Theological point: Why did God set it up this way?
Just to get the ball rolling:

St. Peter the Apostle: ESTJ
St. John the Apostle: INTJ
St. John Paul the Great: ENFP
Barack Obama: ESTJ
Joe Biden: ESFP
Dostoyevsky: INFJ
Kant, Hilary Putnam, Quine, Donald Davidson: INTP
Carl Jung, Hegel, Heidegger, Foucault, Rorty, Posner…: INTJ
Sigmund Freud, Howard Stern, Anthony Bourdain: ENTP
John McCain, Jimmy Page, Jimmy Hendrix, Frank Zappa (practically all lead guitarists, extreme sports professionals, skate boarders, you know the type, no pun intended): ISTP
Blessed Mother Theresa, Samantha Powers, Hilary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Martha Nussbaum: ESFJ
I am INTJ too, but what makes you think Jesus was?
If you don’t see that as self-evident I cannot say. Everyone on the U.S. Supreme Court currently is an ESTJ or ESFJ. St. Peter the Apostle was an ESTJ (or rather still is I assume). ESTJs are master administrators. It would seem fitting that God would choose such a type to be the first Pope.
I am interested in myers-briggs personality types. I am an INTJ. And I know St. Paul of Tarsus was one. And Our Lord Jesus Christ is one. I believe since Our Lord became fully man He would have had to choose 1 of the 16 types. He chose to be an INTJ.

All the biblical prophets were INTJs. The psalms were written by an INTJ so I assume David was an INTJ. Many false prophets (particularly influential ones) were like muhammed, hegel, continental philosophers, ayn rand, richard posner, richard rorty. Kant was an INTP this is why he deifies reason because logic is his first function. Many analytical philosophers are INTP for obvious reasons.

What personality type are you? Ironically some of you will be adverse to typing because of the type of personality type you have. Any other INTJs here?

Philosophical/Theological point: Why did God set it up this way?
First things first: how exactly did you get those results? Without knowing the answer it is by far most likely that the results are at most educated guesses and do not say much useful about prophets, false prophets etc. In such case your question becomes mostly equivalent to “Why did God give imagination to people?”. And one possible answer would be “So that they could imitate the creativity of God to some extent.”…

Actually, even knowing the process wouldn’t rule out this same answer - first it would have to be demonstrated that MBTI is actually useful. Wikipedia’s article ( could be used to find some criticism of this idea…
If you don’t see that as self-evident I cannot say. Everyone on the U.S. Supreme Court currently is an ESTJ or ESFJ. St. Peter the Apostle was an ESTJ (or rather still is I assume). ESTJs are master administrators. It would seem fitting that God would choose such a type to be the first Pope.
Are you making up these then? I never thought Meyers Briggs was such a great test anyway. There are too many grey areas where people score close to the same for each category.

I can’t believe everyone in the Supreme court is an extrovert. Where did you get that?
As much as I love being an INTJ (Yeah Us!) I don’t see how you and ascribe these personality traits to people in the past.
Difficulty identifying them doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Just as there are 16 personality types there are 16 relationship types. Over time as two personality types get to know each other - not just specific personal information like your favorite book or where you grew up etc - you will identify them as 1 of 16 types (correctly or incorrectly) and you will communicate to them accordingly.

Our Lord was an INTJ and St. Peter the Apostle was an ESTJ. They had an INTJ - ESTJ relationship in terms of their communications.

These are some books that some people have read.
I’ve heard a different proposal–that Our Lord’s personality was perfectly balanced. Therefore, he was:

E/I S/N T/F J/P 🙂
I had to reply to this because I’m supposedly an INTJ, at least that’s what my first MB said! 😃

Now for the skeptical part - I took it twice since, and got different results! :eek: The first was a few years after the initial one, and I got ENTJ. I think that was because I was striving to be balanced between introversion and extroversion. But at heart I am an introvert - I need my down time, I get “peopled out” easily, etc. :coolinoff:

The third time was about 5 years ago. It had been less than a year since my mother’s death, she being my remaining next-of-kin as I never married or had children and am an only child. Once again, I showed E - well, I was needing people’s help during that stressful time of my life, so I honestly answered questions that resulted in an “extrovert” categorization.

I can’t even remember what the other 3 letters were - I think NFP (not Natural Family Planning, LOL!) - but this test, like the second one, was taken at the state vocational rehabilitation office. The lady who administered the test was insisting it fit, and I knew it didn’t - and somehow the whole scenario, I was already stressed out - made me feel like crying! :bighanky: I think psychological testers really have a hard time “thinking outside the boxes” they create and use. :banghead:

Anyway, after the first test, I’ve heard skepticism about the MB, some fairly severe, likening it to the Enneagram or even horoscopes, and saying people shouldn’t take it seriously. Whether I feel that negatively or not, I do think it should be taken with a grain of salt. Also, the person should be able to “appeal” the results if need be based on what she knows about herself.

So, as far as applying MB types to any historical figure up to and including Jesus Christ, it might be a fun intellectual exercise but I wouldn’t take it over-seriously. 🤷
I had to reply to this because I’m supposedly an INTJ, at least that’s what my first MB said! 😃

Now for the skeptical part - I took it twice since, and got different results! :eek: The first was a few years after the initial one, and I got ENTJ. I think that was because I was striving to be balanced between introversion and extroversion. But at heart I am an introvert - I need my down time, I get “peopled out” easily, etc. :coolinoff:

The third time was about 5 years ago. It had been less than a year since my mother’s death, she being my remaining next-of-kin as I never married or had children and am an only child. Once again, I showed E - well, I was needing people’s help during that stressful time of my life, so I honestly answered questions that resulted in an “extrovert” categorization.

I can’t even remember what the other 3 letters were - I think NFP (not Natural Family Planning, LOL!) - but this test, like the second one, was taken at the state vocational rehabilitation office. The lady who administered the test was insisting it fit, and I knew it didn’t - and somehow the whole scenario, I was already stressed out - made me feel like crying! :bighanky: I think psychological testers really have a hard time “thinking outside the boxes” they create and use. :banghead:

Anyway, after the first test, I’ve heard skepticism about the MB, some fairly severe, likening it to the Enneagram or even horoscopes, and saying people shouldn’t take it seriously. Whether I feel that negatively or not, I do think it should be taken with a grain of salt. Also, the person should be able to “appeal” the results if need be based on what she knows about herself.

So, as far as applying MB types to any historical figure up to and including Jesus Christ, it might be a fun intellectual exercise but I wouldn’t take it over-seriously. 🤷
I totally agree with your quote. So many of the questions on MB are hard to answer. Sometimes I feel one way and sometimes another. I’m definitely an introvert, but my thinkng/feeling scores were very close, as well as the other ones.
I am interested in myers-briggs personality types. I am an INTJ. And I know St. Paul of Tarsus was one. And Our Lord Jesus Christ is one. I believe since Our Lord became fully man He would have had to choose 1 of the 16 types. He chose to be an INTJ.

All the biblical prophets were INTJs. The psalms were written by an INTJ so I assume David was an INTJ. Many false prophets (particularly influential ones) were like muhammed, hegel, continental philosophers, ayn rand, richard posner, richard rorty. Kant was an INTP this is why he deifies reason because logic is his first function. Many analytical philosophers are INTP for obvious reasons.

What personality type are you? Ironically some of you will be adverse to typing because of the type of personality type you have. Any other INTJs here?

Philosophical/Theological point: Why did God set it up this way?
I took the Myers-Briggs and got an INRI. What does that mean?
I took the Myers-Briggs and got an INRI. What does that mean?

Now, I am an INTP, but am not happy about the P, so the idea of Christ’s being INTJ does appeal to me, but overalll I have to agree with those who think He was perfectly balanced; that seems much more realistic, in terms of His divine perfection.
I’ve heard a different proposal–that Our Lord’s personality was perfectly balanced. Therefore, he was:

E/I S/N T/F J/P 🙂
I believe He became fully human - of course without Sin but He had a type. So Adam and Eve were “perfectly balanced” as you must imply before the Fall. And therefore personality types are a result of the Fall? That’s very interesting…
I don’t believe in static personality types. Especially for those who score on extreme ends of the ranges–a high E or a high F–it can become an excuse not to advance in virtue. (eg, Well I’m such an extreme extrovert I couldnt possibly commit myself to attending a silent weekend retreat. Or, Im an extreme introvert and therefore will indulge my preference not to interact with others even if to do so would be an act of kindness… Etc)

There is an excellent book I will look on developing and growing in virtue–maybe published by Sophia Institute?–I will plan to look it up soon, cant remember it offhand–that describes how growing in virtue by addressing our weaknesses should be the work of a lifetime for a Catholic. Therefore a high F Catholic should work to develop the virtues associated w/ T, and so on.
I don’t believe in static personality types. Especially for those who score on extreme ends of the ranges–a high E or a high F–it can become an excuse not to advance in virtue. (eg, Well I’m such an extreme extrovert I couldnt possibly commit myself to attending a silent weekend retreat. Or, Im an extreme introvert and therefore will indulge my preference not to interact with others even if to do so would be an act of kindness… Etc)

There is an excellent book I will look on developing and growing in virtue–maybe published by Sophia Institute?–I will plan to look it up soon, cant remember it offhand–that describes how growing in virtue by addressing our weaknesses should be the work of a lifetime for a Catholic. Therefore a high F Catholic should work to develop the virtues associated w/ T, and so on.
Being an introvert does not mean shyness. You don’t believe something is true because of bad public policy consequences? You mean it is true but don’t teach it. 😉
There is a correlation between extreme mental illness like depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder etc. and “normal” people. I mean, because of the Fall, I believe we all have these disorders to varying degrees but we have free will and a conscience. Being depressed, overly anxious, people who cut themselves or hurt themselves intentionally (being a victim, drugs, gambling, alcohol), people who like to hurt others etc.
There is nothing inherently wrong with any type. What is wrong with us is our fallen nature and our concupiscence.
I believe the Blessed Virgin Mary was an ESFJ but she was conceived without sin; Immaculate Conception. She is full of grace. She is full of love of God. She knew no sin - she had no experience with the seven deadly sins. She is our mother.
I don’t believe in static personality types. Especially for those who score on extreme ends of the ranges–a high E or a high F–it can become an excuse not to advance in virtue. (eg, Well I’m such an extreme extrovert I couldnt possibly commit myself to attending a silent weekend retreat. Or, Im an extreme introvert and therefore will indulge my preference not to interact with others even if to do so would be an act of kindness… Etc)
Yes, things can be misused this way, but overall I see reasonable personality tests as showing us how we are. Virtue has some correlation with our strengths and weaknesses, but this type of testing could be equally used to say, hmmm, as an introvert I tend to neglect being with others, or as an extrovert, I need to avoid neglecting times of silence.

But having insight on one’s strengths and weaknesses can also help us in humility. Taking this to an academic level, knowing i am much stronger in verbal than in math skills could help me see that I’d be better off in education or a social science than i would be in physics. This is not a matter of virtue or vice, is it? In the same way, knowing our strengths personality-wise can help us chose more wisely an area of concentration for doing good, an introvert might chose to volunteer to do office work while an extravert might volunteer in the food pantry. Both tasks are necessary, let’s have each done by the person who will be better at the one task.
There is an excellent book I will look on developing and growing in virtue–maybe published by Sophia Institute?–I will plan to look it up soon, cant remember it offhand–that describes how growing in virtue by addressing our weaknesses should be the work of a lifetime for a Catholic.
Is this the book by Msgr Romano Guardini? He is so wonderful :). I haven’t read this one but I have his previous book.
Therefore a high F Catholic should work to develop the virtues associated w/ T, and so on.
Well, I’m not sure which virtues are associated with personality traits… if you lean one way in how you make decisions, is that *sinful? *
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