Perspective: how infinitely...high...God is

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This came to me the other day. I was thinking: why are we so dependent on God’s mercy? Why is it that just the tiniest sin makes a person worthy and deserving of hell?

I’m too American…too accustomed to “freedom of speech” (whatever form it takes these days). But think about this:

You say something rude to your friends and everybody laughs. You say something rude to your parents and you get a Look or a Talk or something. In (ancient) Rome, you say something anti-government and you are executed. Maybe you said the same thing, but it’s who you applied it to that matters.

Hell, beyond the worst possible punishment imaginable, is what we all deserve, even if we’ve only committed tiny tiny venial sins.

That’s how infinitely “high” God is (“high” in the sense of “your highness”). The slightest thing against him makes you worthy of hell.

And then… he gives us love and mercy… can’t say I completely understand his motives, but who, limited by the finite human mind, can?

Infinity is a lot bigger than I thought.
God is the Higness of Higness,there is nothing nor noboby close to Him.But He forgive us when we are really repented,because He isn’t just a ruler,but a creator.We are His masterpiece,because His creation was a action of love.I have this idea because I’m an artist,every piece of art(paintings,sketches etc.)I make,I never throw it away.🙂
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