Perspectives; William Howard Taft

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William Howard Taft (1857 – 1930) was the 27th president of the United States (1909–1913) and the tenth chief justice of the United States (1921–1930), the only person to have held both offices. Taft was elected president in 1908, the chosen successor of Theodore Roosevelt, but was defeated for re-election by Woodrow Wilson in 1912 after Roosevelt split the Republican vote by running as a third-party candidate. In 1921, President Warren G. Harding appointed Taft to be chief justice, a position in which he served until a month before his death.
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“Don’t write so that you can be understood, write so that you can’t be misunderstood.”

“A National Government cannot create good times. It cannot make the rain to fall, the sun to shine, or the crops to grow, but it can, by pursuing a meddlesome policy, attempting to change economic conditions, and frightening the investment of capital, prevent a prosperity and a revival of business which might otherwise have taken place.”

"We speak with great satisfaction of the fact that our ancestors came to this country to establish freedom of religion. Well, if we are going to be precise, they came to this country to establish freedom of their religion and not that of anyone else’s."

“I’ll be damned if I am not getting tired of this. It seems to be the profession of a President simply to hear other people talk. ”

“I am not in favor of having government do anything that private citizens can do as well or better."

“A man never knows exactly how the child of his brain will strike other people.”

“Unless education promotes character making, unless it helps men to be more moral, more just to their fellows, more law abiding, more discriminatingly patriotic and public spirited, it is not worth the trouble taken to furnish it.”
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