Peta Has Gone Too Far

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Vegetarianism: An Immaculate Conception the Madonna cradling a chicken in her arms with the tagline “Go Vegetarian—It’s an Immaculate Conception,” a new PETA billboard—designed to steer viewers to—is popping up across North America.

See Also:

Blessed Are the Merciful
Christian Vegetarian Association
“Meet Your Meat”
Vegetarian Starter Kit

The ad calls vegetarianism, the best diet for human health, the environment, and animals, an “immaculate conception.”

“Hell on Earth”
Factory farms and slaughterhouses are “hell on Earth” for animals. Cows are castrated, have their horns amputated, and are branded—all without painkillers. Chickens are crammed into filthy sheds by the tens of thousands and forced to live among the corpses of birds who die of heart attacks or stress. Some even starve to death because their legs can’t support the weight of their genetically engineered and drug-induced massive bodies, making it impossible for them to reach food. Baby pigs have their ears mutilated, the ends of their teeth broken off, and their tails amputated, and males are castrated—all without anesthetics.

What You Can Do
You have a choice. When you sit down to eat, you can add to the level of violence, misery, and death in the world, or you can respect God’s original plan with a vegetarian diet. A vegetarian diet is good for your health and spares animals unimaginable suffering and violence. Remember: God’s mercy is over all God’s creatures.

Click here for a free vegetarian starter kit.


"Thou Shalt Not Kill"

See Also:

Free Vegetarian Starter KitPETA’s new billboard, which features an image of God holding root vegetables in his hands, is designed to encourage people to exemplify God’s word by rededicating themselves to the Fifth Commandment and becoming vegetarian. “Today’s factory farms and slaughterhouses are the embodiment of violence, bloodshed, and exploitation,” says PETA’s Director of Vegan Outreach Bruce Friedrich. "We should extend the message that “God is love’ to animals by not eating them.”

Compassion and Respect for All God’s Creatures

More than 27 billion animals are killed for food every year in the United States. All of them, whether pigs, cows, fish, or chickens, are indisputably individuals with feelings—they feel love, happiness, loneliness, and fear, just as dogs, cats, and human beings do.

The purpose of factory farms is to produce the most meat, milk, and eggs while using the least amount of space, time, and money. The animals suffer the consequences of these shortcuts. They are never allowed to do anything that is natural to them—they are never able to feel the grass beneath their feet, the sun on their faces, or fresh air—nothing that God intended for them to experience.

They endure mutilation—chicks have their beaks burned off, cows and pigs are castrated, cows are dehorned and branded, and the list goes on—all without any pain relief. Chickens are crowded so closely together that they can barely move. Factory farmers restrict animals’ movement, not only to save space, but also so that all their energy goes into producing flesh, eggs, or milk—not to sustain themselves or their young, but to be stolen for human consumption. These animals spend their lives confined to concrete stalls and metal cages, terrified and suffering in such unnatural conditions.

Their fear and pain end only after they have been driven, without food or water and often in extreme weather conditions, to the mechanized murder of today’s slaughterhouse, where they are skinned and dismembered, often while still conscious.

Christians have a choice. When we sit down to eat, we can add to the level of violence, misery, and death in the world or we can respect His creation by eating a vegetarian diet.

What Would Jesus Do?
Miguel, if I’m not mistaken, this ad has been around for quite some time. But yes, I agree. They have offended the Church by desecrating the Holy Mother, and this ad campaign must be stopped.
😦 I think it is dangerous to try to put humans and animals on the same level, and i do think these ads are a little extreme, but the corporate mass production of living creatuers is a gross abuse of the gift God gave us in animals. I think the sensible thing to do is take the middle road. Reduce the amount of meat in your diet and buy free range eggs and chicken when you can. Incidentally, i have a book from Peta by one Peter Singer in which he claims you can use the civil rights arguments of the 60’s to defend animal rights. I wonder if he’s the same Peter Singer who advocates infanticide in the Netherlands.
Yes, he’s the same Peter Singer. He thinks that rights depend on the level of sentience and ability to feel pain–so from his point of view a newborn has fewer rights than an animal. He’s really the best advertisement prolife folks have. It’s hard to see how the average decent person could read some of his work and not be converted to Christianity on the spot. . . . If he didn’t exist, the prolife movement would have had to invent him.

I think there is a hidden agenda here, this all stinks like NEW AGE stuff to me, here are my exhibits:

A.- The new age, ufologist, astrologist, yoga and some western religion have all one thing in common THEY INVITE THE MEMBERS TO GO VEGETARIAN. (i was in a ufo club and the contactees told us: “the aliens are afraid of us because we eat meat”

B.-What better way to be politicly correct than to MAKE FUN OF CATHOLIC BELIVES (after all, bash the catholic is in)

C.-the NEW AGE movement is against everithing that is christian. (remember the age of piscis is about to be over (the age of christianity) and is going to be replace with the age of acuarius.

if i remember more i will add it.
I don’t think the purpose was to make fun of Catholicism at all. Rather, it’s using a Catholic image to make a vegetarian point. This comes with being the world’s largest religious institution–people are going to use your symbolism for their own purposes. You will just have to get used to it.

Furthermore, there is nothing wrong with vegetarianism from an orthodox Christian perspective. In fact, vegetarianism like celibacy has often been seen as a mark of perfection in the ascetic tradition. Clearly it is heretical to say that eating meat is morally wrong, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with calling people to a vegetarian lifestyle as a foretaste of the Kingdom, in which we will not need to kill to live.

I don’t think PETA is “New Age” particularly. In fact, there is no unified thing called “the New Age movement.” This is a creation of paranoid Christians. There are a whole lot of beliefs and emphases and fads labeled “New Age.” Some of them are good, some of them are bad, some of them are just silly.

Remember whose sacrifices were accepted in Genesis…Able offered animals,Cain offered…vegetables and fruit.
You know which one God chose.
It’s a wonder PETA hasn’t taken this story to say that Cain slew Able because Able was not a vegen! :eek:

I like my vegetables, but I like beef and chicken too…and seafood! 😛
This has nothing to do with vegetarianism. The reason animal sacrifices were important was precisely that killing an animal is morally a very serious act, while rooting up a turnip is not (not to the same degree anyway). To kill an animal without offering it to God was, in the OT, an impious thing to do. (This is not very different from the alleged attitudes of Native Americans toward the animals they hunted–I don’t know if they really had these attitudes or if that’s just nostalgic legend; but ancient Hebrews did treat animal life as sacred, and we should too.)

I don’t think the purpose was to make fun of Catholicism at all. Rather, it’s using a Catholic image to make a vegetarian point. This comes with being the world’s largest religious institution–people are going to use your symbolism for their own purposes. You will just have to get used to it.Edwin
a good catholic will not get used to it
Furthermore, there is nothing wrong with vegetarianism from an orthodox Christian perspective. In fact, vegetarianism like celibacy has often been seen as a mark of perfection in the ascetic tradition. Clearly it is heretical to say that eating meat is morally wrong, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with calling people to a vegetarian lifestyle as a foretaste of the Kingdom, in which we will not need to kill to live.

I don’t think PETA is “New Age” particularly. In fact, there is no unified thing called “the New Age movement.” This is a creation of paranoid Christians. There are a whole lot of beliefs and emphases and fads labeled “New Age.” Some of them are good, some of them are bad, some of them are just silly.

here is your answer to: “the New Age movement.” This is a creation of paranoid Christians.

and this is just the top of that link:

The Dawn of Darkness?
Vatican Warns Of New Age Dangers
by Andrew Walther

ROME – The Vatican’s new document is badly needed, says Jesuit Father Mitch Pacwa, who says he once "“dabbled in” New Age practices. People who get involved with New Age activities run serious risks, said the host of “EWTN Live” and author of a book on New Age beliefs and practices.
First of all, I am not in full communion with Rome, so naturally I disagree with some thing emanating from the Vatican. And even a devout Catholic may think that the Vatican is overreacting or misidentifying dangers (as it unquestionably has done at times in the past). Fr. Mitch Pacwa, of course, has far less authority. From what I know I think he’s a good man and a good priest, but his opinion is just his opinion.

However, the main thing to be said is that I never denied that there were New Age practices/ideas afloat, and I explicitly said that some of them are bad and others just plain silly. My point was, and is, that it is not a unified movement. The Vatican document actually recognizes this, speaking of the complexity and ever-changing nature of the “New Age.” “New Age” ideas are not the creation of paranoid Christians. The idea that you can single out some monolithic thing and call it “the New Age movement”–that’s the paranoid delusion of which I spoke.

This came up simply because you linked vegetarianism to the New Age. Does that mean that monks who refrain from meat as an ascetic practice were/are New Age? Each allegedly “New Age” practice must be examined on its merits, not rejected because of association with other things that really are questionable. That’s all I’m saying.

Even as a long-time, dedicated Vegetarian (a Vegan in fact), I find many of Peta’s ads rather offending… their “holocast” campaign, and yes, this bizarre use of Catholic sacred imagery especially.
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