Peter vs. Judas' sins?

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We both know that Judas and Peter sinned against Jesus.

Judas by handing him over for 30 pieces of silver and Peter for denying him thrice.

Some theologians talk about those sins as being of equal gravity and speak rather harshly of Peter for his denial.

This is just my opinion, but it seems to me the sins themselves were of a different nature, and makes sense why Pete would “bounce back” from his “fall” whereas Judas did not,
and perhaps did not want to, even if he knew he could have.

Peter’s denial ( as well as the desertion of the remaining 12) was more done out of duress, somewhat unwillingly, under the influence of grave fear of death or injury.

Peter IMO, did not really mean his denial, and it wasn’t from the heart, it was more influenced by the factors I stated. It was done out of weakness, and may have indicated a lack of courage ( at the time.) But the sin clearly didn’t destroy Peter’s love for Jesus and His mission, hence his status as the first Pope:thumbsup:

Judas on the other hand, I believe did what he did willingly. I have been trying to make sense of Judas, and I can only conclude that he probably thought he had been taken in by a false messiah, and did not admire or respect Jesus. If he really had (IMO) he would have asked forgiveness and helped establish Jesus’ Church on Earth.

The revelation of Mary Agrada basically hints that Judas committed suicide somewhat out of remorse for what he had done, but also out of fear for what would happen to him for being known as the “betrayer of Jesus.”

Agrada believed Judas to be in Hell (the lowest circle in fact.), many theologians believe it too, and Jesus Himself strongly hinted at it.

It’s not for me to question the Lord or his motives, but part of me would like Judas to be “put out of his misery” if indeed he is moaning and gnashing his teeth in Hell:blush:.

Two thousand years filled with pain, torture, hatred and zero love is a very long time indeed…😊
I don’t know the heart of Judas or Peter, but it seems likely that Peter was more habitually inclined towards God, whereas Judas was filled with avarice.

The most touching account of the story of Judas that I have encountered, comes from the revelations of a Blessed whose name has slipped my mind. Basically Our Lord told her that His love for Judas was immense; that He wept for his hardness of heart; and nothing could console Him at the thought of His damnation. Our Lady was inconsolable, too.

A consoling thought:
If we offer the Mass for sinners, many more will be saved! For every Mass that Sr. Jeanne Benigne Gojos heard for 15yrs, Jesus converted an obstinate sinner. Similarly, Ven. Louise Margaret saw that many souls were saved when she offered God the Spotless Lamb at the Elevation!
Two thousand years filled with pain, torture, hatred and zero love is a very long time indeed…😊
Eternity is a much longer time still, and we may feel bad for those people in Hell, but what we have to remember is that if they’re there, then they’ve chosen to be there.

God is not up in Heaven sitting on the doors of Hell keeping all the souls trying to get out trapped. The people in Hell don’t want to leave because they’d rather be in Hell than serving God. I know this is something which we can’t really comprehend right now, but how many times have you heard someone say “If there is a God, I don’t want to serve him.” I personally have had more than one friend say this more than once. It speaks to the deformation of the soul those people suffer from; because God doesn’t operate according to their views, they don’t want to serve Him. Hell is basically that to an infinite degree.

I’ve heard it said before that Hell is locked from the inside.
It seems to me that any sin against God deserves death.

And we all have sinned.

The difference between Peter and Judas was that Peter believed in, and accepted Jesus’ mercy, whereas Judas did not.
Eternity is a much longer time still, and we may feel bad for those people in Hell, but what we have to remember is that if they’re there, then they’ve chosen to be there.

God is not up in Heaven sitting on the doors of Hell keeping all the souls trying to get out trapped. The people in Hell don’t want to leave because they’d rather be in Hell than serving God. I know this is something which we can’t really comprehend right now, but how many times have you heard someone say “If there is a God, I don’t want to serve him.” I personally have had more than one friend say this more than once. It speaks to the deformation of the soul those people suffer from; because God doesn’t operate according to their views, they don’t want to serve Him. Hell is basically that to an infinite degree.

I’ve heard it said before that Hell is locked from the inside.
A very important point! The sun melts wax but hardens mud. If we cling to sordid sins, we will become stuck, blind and dirty. We can will nothing good for ourselves without the help of God. We cannot so much as will a good thought with God, writes St. Paul. Imagine Hell, then! There is no possibility of desiring salvation; the will is fixed in evil. “A life of sin cannot last forever.” (Mary to St. Bridget)
Perhaps we need to be careful here in judging Judas. What was the motive of Judas to hand over the Lord Jesus to the authorities? I thought about this and have come to believe that it was not to destroy Jesus. Why? It is because this same Judas had taken his own life. Why would anyone who wanted to destroy the Lord Jesus takes his own life once this same Jesus was led to His Death? It doesn’t make sense. So what was the motive for what Judas had done? Judas knew that Jesus was the Son of God coming in the flesh. He had witnessed the many miracles of Jesus. So something stirred in the mind of Judas to force the Lord to reveal Himself as God to the authorities. Judas thought since Jesus is God why not force this on Jesus so that Jesus would come out of it as Jesus did so many other times in the past. When the Lord however decided not to come out of it this scared Judas. This is why Judas decided to kill himself. It wasn’t because he wanted Jesus to die but because he wanted Jesus to reveal Himself but this Jesus would not be forced to display Himself. Jesus would not be forced to display Himself and would not play to the bluff of His Apostle. Jesus would not display to Herod or to the authorities. This is when Judas became scared. He thought Jesus would come out of this as He did so many other times. The sin of Judas if you think about it is what the devil proposed to the Lord when the devil said to Jesus to fall off from a building so that the angels would capture Him. Jesus however resisted the devil attempts to display Himself. Now here at the moment of His Passion the Lord is still resisting these attempts for Him to display Himself. The Lord had chosen the display of His greatest works which would be this Passion and Death which would result in His Resurrection. This would be the sign which He would give. Now concerning what happened to Judas we do not actually know this. The Church has never given a final answer to the fate of Judas. Let me put this to you. If God can give you grace at your final moments to save you while you decided to kill yourself and this grace would have been accepted than why would God not give it? And if in the final moments of the life of Judas this same grace can be still sent and received would you deny God giving it? We must leave the matter up to God. Certainly the Lord Jesus had prayed for this Apostle and would not this same Jesus answer His own prayer by giving this life saving grace at the last moment if it is accepted? We must leave this up to God. Jesus had forgiven everyone at the Cross. Certainly the Lord would never refuse to give grace to someone if this grace would be accepted.
Eternity is a much longer time still, and we may feel bad for those people in Hell, but what we have to remember is that if they’re there, then they’ve chosen to be there.

God is not up in Heaven sitting on the doors of Hell keeping all the souls trying to get out trapped. The people in Hell don’t want to leave because they’d rather be in Hell than serving God. I know this is something which we can’t really comprehend right now, but how many times have you heard someone say “If there is a God, I don’t want to serve him.” I personally have had more than one friend say this more than once. It speaks to the deformation of the soul those people suffer from; because God doesn’t operate according to their views, they don’t want to serve Him. Hell is basically that to an infinite degree.

I’ve heard it said before that Hell is locked from the inside.
Similar story. An atheist girl said that all religion was bad and believes that satanists are good. When moral compasses are flipped… you get a Judas Iscariot.
I don’t know the heart of Judas or Peter, but it seems likely that Peter was more habitually inclined towards God, whereas Judas was filled with avarice.

The most touching account of the story of Judas that I have encountered, comes from the revelations of a Blessed whose name has slipped my mind. Basically Our Lord told her that His love for Judas was immense; that He wept for his hardness of heart; and nothing could console Him at the thought of His damnation. Our Lady was inconsolable, too.
That’s beautiful. I think that’s what Jesus must feel about all of the souls in hell. That is the ultimate tragedy.
it doesn’t matter the gravity of the sin. Jesus told St. Faustina that even the greatest sinner on the planet always has a chance to be saved.

Peter turned back to God and asked his forgiveness. Judas on the other hand was too full of pride to ask for forgiveness.

I know it sounds funny when i say “pride” but what i mean by that is; Judas thought he was such a horrible sinner that he didn’t deserve Gods mercy and whirled into a dark depression. Jesus warns us against this. We should always strive for Gods forgiveness.

Denying Gods Mercy is one of the worst mistakes someone can make
We don’t know what Judas felt or thought. We just don’t. Perhaps his grief was so great that he fell from the cliff or he hung himself from a tree. There are two different stories as to his demise. Dare I speculate that he could have had a little “help” with his demise? I guess I won’t. As for the averice of Judas-where is the evidence other than he held the purse and was given the 30 pieces of silver for his betrayal-which he threw away. The apostles judged Judas, but did they have all the facts? We were not there, so we can only go by what is written. I have no conflict with what is written. I just say we really don’t know. We don’t know if Judas asked for forgiveness or if it was denied. I guess we will find out one day. Peace.
That’s beautiful. I think that’s what Jesus must feel about all of the souls in hell. That is the ultimate tragedy.
There is no doubt that Jesus suffered over the loss of souls. Btw, I was referring to Bl. Battista Varani. Our Lord’s words to her about His love for Judas are so great that it gives me chills and breaks my heart. One can only imagine how much Our Lady must have suffered!

If you want to read the account, it can be found online in the combined biography of St. Veronica Giuliani and Bl. Battista - a soul-stirring read!
Forgive me for saying this, one seems more understandable than the other. They are different but equally. I can identify with why Peter denied Jesus I cannot identify with betraying a person for 30 pieces of silver. They both regretted their sins. I hate how Judas killed himself. It is awful.
Judas was a zealot. He was called a thief, but he could hardly have been living high on the hog if he was hanging around with a bunch of disciples.

I suspect he was handing over the money to his Zealot friends, to buy swords and whatever else they needed to fight their Roman overlords.

And there’s plenty of that going on today, with people sending money to ISIS et al.

Likewise I think he wanted to force Christ into a corner, to force His hand, so that He would be forced to take on the Romans. Judas would have seen Christ’s miracles first hand - the raising of the dead, the sudden calming of a deadly storm, the withering fig tree, the feeding of the 5000.

And to his Zealot’s mind, Christ would have been the very one to kick out the Romans. If anyone could do it, He could.

But Christ refused to play along.

The reason I don’t think Judas’ motives were purely mercenary is the simple fact he was full of remorse, claiming he had betrayed “innocent blood”. He wasn’t just a thief.

But then he hanged himself. Too late.

Peter didn’t hang himself. He wept. He repented. He was upset when Christ asked him 3 times if he loved Him, one time for each denial. But he hung in there.

What is really surprising is that Christ chose Peter to be the first “Pope”, and said He would make him the rock on which He’d found His church.

If there’s a condemnation which I do find troubling, it’s the death sentence passed on Ananias and Sapphira by Peter, the very same man who denied Christ three times.

They merely lied. That does seem a bit tough.

Ever told a fib?
There is no doubt that Jesus suffered over the loss of souls. Btw, I was referring to Bl. Battista Varani. Our Lord’s words to her about His love for Judas are so great that it gives me chills and breaks my heart. One can only imagine how much Our Lady must have suffered!

If you want to read the account, it can be found online in the combined biography of St. Veronica Giuliani and Bl. Battista - a soul-stirring read!
Thank you for sharing the info. I’ll look it up!🙂
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