Was recently in a debate about Peter’s having lived and died in Rome, and the other guy posted this link:
I thought I’d seen everything, but this one was new to me. As I read it, it came across as a big hoax, but I haven’t been able to find out anything else about this claim. Anybody ever field this one before?
Appreciate any information.
Well, for starters, the homepage of this effort is called BIBLELIGHT. The faith statement of BIBLELIGHT MINISTRIES IS:
We believe that all doctrinal statements are the fallible and unauthoritative words of men. In light of that, BibleLight’s editor believes in:
• The inerrant literal Bible
• The deity, sinlessness and resurrection of Jesus Christ
• Salvation by grace through faith alone
• A pretribulational eschatology
Peterson indicates that for Peter to have been Pope, he would have to have been in Rome. Ten points off the top for that bit of logic.
He also quotes "Roman Catholic Bishop, Strossmayer, in his great speech against papal infallibility before the Pope and the Council of 1870 said, ‘Scaliger, one of the most learned men, has not hesitated to say that St. Peter’s episcopate and residence in Rome ought to be classed with ridiculous legends.’ This speech is well known to be a forgery.
Moreover, while the Vatican has said that the bones are very likely those of St. Peter, nobody can say for certain that they truly are. The probability is extremely high, so high that at this point the burden of proof would lie on those who believe that they are not, but never can it be known for certain.
Do read John Evangelist Walsh’s THE BONES OF ST. PETER. (Walsh was a member of my parish!)
Peterson’s article is so riddled with incompetence that it utterly lacks credibility. Even if you wanted to accept his argument, you couldn’t. For example, what do you think the chances are that an ossuary neatly inscribed, Simon Bar Jonah, would be found in the same spot as three other ossuaries labeled Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, and that all four of these luminaries of the gospel would have died long enough before the destruction of Jerusalem for their bodies to have decomposed to allow placement of the bones in ossuaries???