Please click the following link and sign the petition there.
You may find a note asking Americans to wait until sufficient Canadian signatures have been collected to satisfy the Canadian financiers of the University of Western Ontario.
That note has expired. William hasn’t uploaded the new note yet. He has been busy with the media. He agreed to open up the petition to Americans when we reached 7000 signatures. We have 7000 now and he has just emailed me to say that he will change the note this afternoon.
So no worries! Everyone from the U.S. and around the World: sign with all your hearts!
The following link will give you all the information you need to know on the case:
There is also a dimension to this case which is of concern to American Catholics. We urgently need you to email the principal players and to contact the media on this side of the controversy. This open letter explains the American Catholic dimension to this case:
At the left upper corner of that screen is a link to media and sympathetic govt reps.
Please circulate the above links to everyone on your email list. Thank you, Ani.
You may find a note asking Americans to wait until sufficient Canadian signatures have been collected to satisfy the Canadian financiers of the University of Western Ontario.
That note has expired. William hasn’t uploaded the new note yet. He has been busy with the media. He agreed to open up the petition to Americans when we reached 7000 signatures. We have 7000 now and he has just emailed me to say that he will change the note this afternoon.
So no worries! Everyone from the U.S. and around the World: sign with all your hearts!
The following link will give you all the information you need to know on the case:
There is also a dimension to this case which is of concern to American Catholics. We urgently need you to email the principal players and to contact the media on this side of the controversy. This open letter explains the American Catholic dimension to this case:
At the left upper corner of that screen is a link to media and sympathetic govt reps.
Please circulate the above links to everyone on your email list. Thank you, Ani.