Petition against abortionist now open: please sign

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Please click the following link and sign the petition there.

You may find a note asking Americans to wait until sufficient Canadian signatures have been collected to satisfy the Canadian financiers of the University of Western Ontario.

That note has expired. William hasn’t uploaded the new note yet. He has been busy with the media. He agreed to open up the petition to Americans when we reached 7000 signatures. We have 7000 now and he has just emailed me to say that he will change the note this afternoon.

So no worries! Everyone from the U.S. and around the World: sign with all your hearts!

The following link will give you all the information you need to know on the case:

There is also a dimension to this case which is of concern to American Catholics. We urgently need you to email the principal players and to contact the media on this side of the controversy. This open letter explains the American Catholic dimension to this case:

At the left upper corner of that screen is a link to media and sympathetic govt reps.

Please circulate the above links to everyone on your email list. Thank you, Ani.
It is done ANI:thumbsup: Please you guys sign the petician it will not take long and you can sleep well knowing you are fighting the culture of death:yup: If you do not sign then you have to ask yourself why:nope: Have we forgotten our late Pope?We all worked together for Terri now let’s work together to fight the evil that killed her.:ehh:
I signed so hopefully it works.

If it works is not our business;) We are not called to be succesful but tobe faithful-Mother Teresa of Calcutta.Matt ,you can sleep well:)
I signed so hopefully it works.
Yay, marty! Thanks for signing. 👍

We sent out a long long list of emails to mostly American but some English, some Irish, and some Australian pro-life organizations last night. Let us pray that people open our emails, sign the petition, and send the link to many more people. Let us pray that this petition now swells with international signatures and that international interest and pressure mounts.

I have in the past few days been noticing more and more American signatures. The folks in British Columbia too seem to have taken a great interest. And New Brunswick. That is very reassuring.
Oh! Oh! Oh! Things have really heated up. Things are going to happen tomorrow. Good things. Astonishing things. I don’t have time to explain. I have a lot of emails to write. As soon as I free up some time I will fill you all in and give you some links. Whew! Pray for me, and pray for all of us working on this situation. Ani.
Just a note on the letter writing campaign to inform Canadians. No response as yet from the National Catholic Register or the Western CR in Alberta but a local paper will be publishing the following letter to the editor this week.

" The abortionist, Dr. Morgentaler is to receive an honorary doctor of laws degree from the University of Western. It is inconceivable how a man whose notoriety rests on the exploitation of women is heralded as their defender. The advent of unrestricted abortion since the Supreme Court of Canada ruling in 1988 has undermined women’s dignity. Why? The primordial nature of women is to participate in the creation and protection of life: not to destroy it. Harm the child and you harm the mother at every level of her being.
Every abortion proves our collective failure to welcome the mother and her child. Our Canadian family benefits from the gifts every child brings. The first of which is hope. No engineer, architect or artist can approach the awesome power of giving life to a unique person destined to survive even death by virtue of his immortal soul. No bridge, cathedral or artwork can rival the marvellous achievement that marks the birth of a newborn child.
Therefore, no circumstance, purpose or law whatsoever can ever make licit an act which is intrinsically illicit, since it is contrary to the Law of God and reason itself.

Consequently, is it any wonder so many are appalled by the breathtaking arrogance, blind prejudice and diabolical cruelty which kills innocent human life at its weakest and most vulnerable? “It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.” Mother Teresa.
Numerous women who once believed the lies and have suffered post abortion trauma stand in public proclaiming, "I regret my abortion."  Their testimonies collected by Rachel's Vineyard, Priest for Life, Silent No More and numerous pro-life groups illustrate that far from being a choice the pressures to abort are often coercive.

Finally, regardless of all the media manipulation with award ceremonies nothing can hide Morgentaler's blood - stained hands.  June 16 when he will receive his doctorate will be a day of national mourning."
The original was more forceful but it was over 500 words so it needed to be edited a lot. Hopefully, someone will be prodded into action. Children are dying daily because of our complacency. If we were as energetic defending life as the pro-death camp is in promoting their agenda Canada would have a different landscape today.
Thank you Rosalinda. Can you give the link to the articles so that they can be uploaded to the protest site?

Also can you email Bishop Fabbro asking him to publish an open letter giving teaching specifically on the involvement of the Catholic colleges at UWO (specifically Kings, Brescia, and St Peters)?

Also ask him to give teaching on the injurious treatment of Rev Malloy, of the Catholic institutions at UWO and Notre Dame, and of the Catholic Church?

The Senate alone made the decision to ‘honour’ Rev Malloy and Dr Morgentaler with the same award even though the lives of both men have provided widely divergent moral examples. Dr Morgentaler’s award depreciates the value of Rev Malloy’s award.

Dr Killan of Kings must refuse to give the honorary doctorate to Rev Malloy but must give him a more prestigious award instead. The convocations of Kings, Brescia, and St Peters must be held outside the property of UWO, likely the Cathedral.

Your email to Bishop Fabbro is critical. If Bishop Fabbro publishes a second open letter, then everyone can finally come on side with the Notre Dame connection and publish open letters in support of Bishop Fabbro. Anybody else reading this please also email Bishop Fabbro.

Here is the email address:

The Most Reverend
Ronald Peter Fabbro, CSB
Bishop of London Ontario Canada

Thank you. Ani.
G. Campbell McDonald, Director of Alumni Affairs, 1965-72, Toronto, has a letter in the Canadian Catholic Register he be deleted from the list of donors and referring to the Morgentaler nomination as an “incendiary decision”… “bitterly ironic, inasmuch as the ceremony will take place at Spring Convocation - Nature’s time for life’s renewal.” The connection with spring being a time for the renewal of life is inspired.
The Catholic Register accepts letters up to 250 words.

The Western Catholic Reporter accepts letters up to 300 words. Editor Glen Argan They are located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
My letter copied above appeared tonight, May 5 in the Observer. Not available online.  Anyone who wants to write to the editor Ron Hilts in 500 words or less be my guest.  [email=""][/email]
Located in the diocese of Bishop Fabbro.
Rosalinda. This is extremely helpful information. Thank you.

I have asked William to upload the two letters to the Catholic part of the site dealing with the Notre Dame angle.

People here is your chance at 15 minutes of fame! Write a letter to the editor. Rosalinda has given you the links. Go for it! :clapping:
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