Petitioning to God ineffective, petitioning to saint effective?

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I’m wondering why God would will this. I recall reading that he desires us to pray to the saints but I can’t remember why.
You may certainly pray to God and you should. You can petition Him freely. But we also are “surrounded by a cloud of Witnesses,” the saints in Heaven, who pray for us and who we ask for prayers. In the same way, we might ask our friends and family for prayers. If people are Earth can pray for us, how much more will those who now are completely filled with God’s love? Why wouldn’t we pray to them?
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No prayers are ineffective. God does not forbid you from praying directly to Him, on the contrary that’s exactly what Jesus taught us to do.

Praying to the saints is more like a bonus, if you will. By asking for intercession from the saints you get to have someone in Heaven that prays for you, which, when taken literally, means just that. Someone, and a Saint at that, will say your prayers for you.
That’s not to say you shouldn’t also do your best to pray to God yourself, but since most of us are unfortunately very lazy and only spend at most a few hours a day in prayer, having some professional help doesn’t hurt.

There’s a lot more to it as well, but I’m sure others will bring up some of those points.
At mass we ask HIM for our needs directly every day and especially on Sundays. So it is not a case of one or the other but both. We pray (ask) God directly and through the Saints for our needs and the needs of the Church and our brothers and sisters.
I guess I should elaborate… when I asked God to help my anxiety he didn’t. But when I asked St. Dymphna to pray for it, it lessened. Why did God wait until I asked her for help? I’m just interested. I understand the basics of praying to the saints but I’m more interested in what God likes about the practice, why he established it.
Possibly God wanted you to ask through St. Dymphna so that you now know you have a friend in heaven. He is happy to share His power and goodness with His friends in heaven, and they are happy to share His goodness with us. We all connected in love.
when I asked God to help my anxiety he didn’t. But when I asked St. Dymphna to pray for it, it lessened. Why did God wait until I asked her for help? I
I have a similar experience regarding a miracle. I do not question why though, just humbly accept that it pleases God to grant us favors through intercession.
God is so humble that He hides himself in bread for us to eat. He set up the human race to be families, and I think He delights as we get to know our other family members who have gone before us. We have friends in heaven who love and pray for us and are cheering us on.
I’m wondering why God would will this
God didn’t will this and the Church doesn’t teach this. I think you must have misunderstood something you heard or read.
I recall reading that he desires us to pray to the saints but I can’t remember why.
Intercessory prayer is one of five types of prayer discussed in the Catechism. I suggest you read up on all the types of prayer.

Adoration, Petition, Thanksgiving, Intercession, and Praise.
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