Philippine Population-Control Bill Is Opposed

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WASHINGTON, D.C., AUG. 26, 2005 ( Filipino-Americans are pitching in to help fight population-management legislation in the Philippines that aims to limit families to two children.

The Filipino Congress is now considering the Responsible Parenthood and Population Act of 2005.

According to the Washington-based Filipino Family Fund, the bill discriminates against Catholics who work in education and in health care.

Under the legislation, those citizens who will not provide sex education to children as young as fifth grade or offer contraception, sterilization and other “reproductive health care services” could be imprisoned up to six months.

According to this bill, the Philippines would accept $26 million from the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA) for the purpose of “reproductive health care.”

This health care is defined as “availability and access to a full range of methods, techniques, and services that contribute to reproductive and sexual health and well-being … [including] family planning information
and abortifacient birth prevention.”

Last June, the U.S. House of Representatives rejected the proposal to subsidize the UNFPA because of its refusal to dissociate from coercive population control and forced abortion programs.

Now, concerned Filipino-Americans are predicting the same disregard for human life if the bill in the Philippines is passed.

Health care workers would be prohibited from invoking pleas of conscientious objection, with a penalty of six months’ imprisonment if they refuse to practice these “reproductive health care” methods.

The Filipino Family Fund is trying to rally support for the Catholics in their country of origin, and is urging people to sign a petition to oppose the bill.
Am i the only one that feels like the secular society is trying to silence the Church?:mad: :banghead: It seems like pretty soon being a practicing Catholic will be a crime!They are pulling stunts in Canada too:tsktsk: :mad:
Am i the only one that feels like the secular society is trying to silence the Church? It seems like pretty soon being a practicing Catholic will be a crime!They are pulling stunts in Canada too
No, you are not the only one who sees this. And I completely agree that soon, if tendencies do not change, it will be a crime to be Catholic.

PS: I live in Canada…I know the stunts you’re refering to… :crying: :mad:
Am i the only one that feels like the secular society is trying to silence the Church?:mad: :banghead: It seems like pretty soon being a practicing Catholic will be a crime!They are pulling stunts in Canada too:tsktsk: :mad:
Lisa, I keep telling people over and over again. That given the great sins that our nation commits year in and year out that we will suffer greatly, if we don’t turn to God soon. Here’s what Blessed Jacinta said on her death bed before she died “If men do not cease offending God, the greatest chastisement ever known to mankind will occur.” Given what you just posted, its what I told a good friend of mine just the other day and I will say it again. Lisa, I really believe that the worst of it is yet to come!
Sorry for the big emphasis but I’m just illistrating how bad things really are in this country. And to think that we are seeing 4,000 babies die everyday in this country! Russia was actually one of the first countries to legalize abortion. Our Lady of Fatima “Russia will spread her errors throughout the world provoking war and hatred.” Guess, what the U.S. caught this disease. And here is America promoting its errors of modern-capitalism throughout the world. The point is I think that given the fact our nation has large portion of the world’s recourses, our nation bears the majority of the responsibility (other nations included). Our nation especially is really, really, really going to get it! And I mean badly!!! Lisa, our nation will be brought down to our knees.
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