Nietzsche should be read so that you understand what the world thinks of Christianity. His opus: The Will To Power, will sound very familiar because it is the same misguided idealism that post-modernists teach in universities today, and the same specious arguments about building a humanist utopia that we hear from the radical left wing today.
PLEASE let the kids understand the allure of Nietzsche!
I have come to the opinion that teaching our children only the fuzzy part of the faith leaves them utterly helpless as soon as they are out in the world and are confronted by radical humanists or protestants out to win converts at any cost.
Our kids need to know what’s out there, why it is misguided, and how to converse with a humanist or protestant. And if we don’t know why it’s misguided, we owe it to our kids to learn it ourselves.
For example, I have taught my kids that there are some people out there who think there is no right and wrong, and that we call that relativism. They were shocked! We discussed the absurdity of the view: “My rule is that there are no rules.” But you just made a rule? “I can make rules, you can’t,” Oh, you’re just a bully. OK then have a nice day.
You see, when they’re kids, they know naturally that there is a right and wrong, and that morality is not dependent on how you feel. But once they are exposed to radical materialism in the real world, they are vulnerable and can be caught off guard, and can be persuaded that these misguided doctrines are reasonable because the person trying to convert them seems so sincere and committed. It’s all about feelings, you see.
Same thing with innoculating them about protestantism. At my dinner table, we make quite a fuss over passages in the bible, (such as in the daily readings in Hebrews in the Year I cycle of the daily mass), where we are taught that salvation is to be maintained by obedience and steadfastness; it is not assured forever just because you say a little prayer.
In sum: my friends, we are getting beaten out there in the world in debates with secular materialism and protestantism. The WORST thing we can do is shield our children. The BEST thing we can do is expose them to the opposition so they can spot the errors and hold fast.