RobNY brought forward an engaging insight imho on another thread.
What causes these differences in what we see?
Reason is reason, is it not? Can we not hold reason as a constant? Is reason relative?
Do faulty seeing and faulty reasoning have the same source(s)?
Do vices cloud our minds and make us hostile to unpleasant truths?
I think the ancients would agree-- virtue is very important if we want to find truth. Vices cloud our minds and make us hostile to unpleasant truths.
- First we see. Yes? I have noted that folks can look at one thing, yet see different things. What causes these differences in what we see?
- Then we reason from what we see. (inductive reasoning) Yes? Reason is reason, is it not? Can we not hold reason as a constant? Yet, among different people, reason often seems variable – or relative. Is reason relative? If not, then what is not reasonable is faulty reasoning. Yes? Do faulty seeing and faulty reasoning have the same source(s)?
- The result of seeing and reasoning is understanding. Understanding is a formula which allows us to predict how we can see the same thing over and over. Yes?
- Seeing the same things over and over reinforces the way we see, the way we reason, and therefore what we understand. Yes? A claim which contradicts our reinforced understanding then becomes an ‘extraordinary’ claim. And extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. Yes? Is the requirement for extraordinary proofs necessarily an expression of hostility to unpleasant truths?
What causes these differences in what we see?
Reason is reason, is it not? Can we not hold reason as a constant? Is reason relative?
Do faulty seeing and faulty reasoning have the same source(s)?
Do vices cloud our minds and make us hostile to unpleasant truths?