The Pope has written extensively on the pathologies of reason,progress,science,technology,medicine which go back to ideas like “Whatever can be done,should be done” or “Whatever is good for science,capitalism,etc., is truly good.” He knows exactly what the philosophical problems are today.
“But there also exists a pathology of reason that is completely detatched from God,as we have seen in the totalitarian ideologies that parted company with God and wanted to construct the new man,the new world.”
“…intellectual developments tend ever more toward destructive pathologies of reason. Was not the atomic bomb already a transgression of boundaries,where reason refused to be a constructive force but instead sought its strength in the ability to destroy? Now that reason is reaching for the very roots of life in its investigation of the genetic code, there is an increasing tendency to stop seeing man as a gift of the Creator (or of “nature”) and to make him a product. Man is “made,” and what what one can “make” one can also unmake. Human dignity dissolves. And where are we then to find an anchor for human rights? How is respect for man – even the one who is conquered,weak,suffering,or handicapped – to survive?”
Values in a Time of Upheaval, page 109-110