Starting with out any assumptions; can we prove or at least find something suggestive of a soul? And if there is no soul, can one prove that there isn’t by the study of the brain?
It is my argument that, the information in are brains, no matter how much is stored in any one space, cannot become self aware in its self, just by having the nature of information, and being circulated round an organic structure. It is not logical that we our the sum of the information of are brains; I believe that it is apart of who we our, such as are personalities, since we need to store memory to develop such things; this is true. However, even though we rely upon an organic substance in order to function rationally in a material world of which moves from one moment to the next, You, as in the “viewer” of the information that is stored from experience, is not a product, an cannot be rationally thought of as a product of unthinking, unconscious, purposeless atoms.
Take for instance, people who loose there memories.
I see experiences as software that is automatically being stored in to the brain, and it is from this, that helps us build a sense of “rational” self, as in understanding; but we need a hard drive (the brain) on which to live and rationally understand, and communicate, within the physical world. So if you lose your memories, can it be said that you are no longer you, but a different person? It is true that we can develop different personalities by having different experience; but that doesn’t mean that “one’s self” is defined purely by our personalities and memories, otherwise you could never be one person at any one time; but instead many different people at any given experience depending on the reaction. So if you were to lose you memories, (asumming your personal self is reliant upon these memories and past informations), then this would mean that are intellectual self would die constantly every time we lost are memories, and we would be replaced by a “new person”. And lets assume that new person regains past memories stored in the brain? How could the “new person” regognise experiences it never had; yet we know of people who remember who they were, or rather what they had done in the past? How can this be possible if your just a brain? I dont see how the vewier could possibly be a product of material information.
So does a part of me die, when I forget something that happened to me?
No! I am free-soul-hope, not brain matter.
Plus can we truly think that a pattern, or structure, of atoms located in the brain can be held logically accountable for self awareness? Or is it more likely to be the case that these self arranged atoms are merely apart of what it is to be rationally aware within the physical world.
Are we more then the sum of are parts, or are we just a rational product of an irrational world?
I can’t wait for a response, start typing now!
It is my argument that, the information in are brains, no matter how much is stored in any one space, cannot become self aware in its self, just by having the nature of information, and being circulated round an organic structure. It is not logical that we our the sum of the information of are brains; I believe that it is apart of who we our, such as are personalities, since we need to store memory to develop such things; this is true. However, even though we rely upon an organic substance in order to function rationally in a material world of which moves from one moment to the next, You, as in the “viewer” of the information that is stored from experience, is not a product, an cannot be rationally thought of as a product of unthinking, unconscious, purposeless atoms.
Take for instance, people who loose there memories.
I see experiences as software that is automatically being stored in to the brain, and it is from this, that helps us build a sense of “rational” self, as in understanding; but we need a hard drive (the brain) on which to live and rationally understand, and communicate, within the physical world. So if you lose your memories, can it be said that you are no longer you, but a different person? It is true that we can develop different personalities by having different experience; but that doesn’t mean that “one’s self” is defined purely by our personalities and memories, otherwise you could never be one person at any one time; but instead many different people at any given experience depending on the reaction. So if you were to lose you memories, (asumming your personal self is reliant upon these memories and past informations), then this would mean that are intellectual self would die constantly every time we lost are memories, and we would be replaced by a “new person”. And lets assume that new person regains past memories stored in the brain? How could the “new person” regognise experiences it never had; yet we know of people who remember who they were, or rather what they had done in the past? How can this be possible if your just a brain? I dont see how the vewier could possibly be a product of material information.
So does a part of me die, when I forget something that happened to me?
No! I am free-soul-hope, not brain matter.
Plus can we truly think that a pattern, or structure, of atoms located in the brain can be held logically accountable for self awareness? Or is it more likely to be the case that these self arranged atoms are merely apart of what it is to be rationally aware within the physical world.
Are we more then the sum of are parts, or are we just a rational product of an irrational world?
I can’t wait for a response, start typing now!