We saw some fire about Augustine on another thread. I would like to explore this.
Protestants seem to love his Anti-Pelagian works, while avoiding his anti-Donatist works. He is credited by some antiCatholics (sorry, no links) for “creating Catholicism”.
Is Augustine overrated? Can one be Catholic yet reject his theology? Is he the architect of systematic Catholic thought, rising above the chaos of his times to build a theology for all ages, a bulwark of the faith like none since Paul, and none since, or was he irrelevant, as some Orthodox seem to think, since his Greek was inferior?
Protestants seem to love his Anti-Pelagian works, while avoiding his anti-Donatist works. He is credited by some antiCatholics (sorry, no links) for “creating Catholicism”.
Is Augustine overrated? Can one be Catholic yet reject his theology? Is he the architect of systematic Catholic thought, rising above the chaos of his times to build a theology for all ages, a bulwark of the faith like none since Paul, and none since, or was he irrelevant, as some Orthodox seem to think, since his Greek was inferior?