Philosophy: Quantum Reality

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Is reality discrete or continuous? Can it be broken up into little bits or is it a unified whole? Is analysis a valid method of understanding reality (in analysis, we take somethng apart conceptually in order to understand it)?
Is reality discrete or continuous? Can it be broken up into little bits or is it a unified whole? Is analysis a valid method of understanding reality (in analysis, we take somethng apart conceptually in order to understand it)?
Well, yes to all of the above. Discrete, continuous, separable, and unified.

Analysis is a valid method, but not the only. Intuitive apprehension also can be valid, and does not take things apart conceptually. An existing thing is more than the sum of its analyzed parts–a truth which intuition grasps all at once.
Why do you believe it is continuous?
Maybe “continuous” means more than I thought it did. I just meant reality is a unified whole. However, it can be broken down into discrete pieces for conceptual analysis, which is what I meant by the other part.

Maybe I’m not too sure on this question. Any other thoughts?
Quantum mechanics from some viewpoints seems to suggest reality is discontinuous. While much of the debate is purely about what empirical reality is like, only parts of the problems in quantum theory might be called ‘metaphysical’, which scientists in the field try to ignore as they can’t always be resolved by an experiment.

Some features of the world at a quantum level suggest ‘discreteness’ is a very deep property of quantum objects and interactions, however there are also other properties between interacting quantum entities (such as non-locality) which seem to suggest reality is more like a unified whole. Like many problems which raise the metaphysical problem of the ‘one and the many’, resolving this is a sort of logical dialectic where both perspectives are integrated into a wider and more inclusive view which allows the phenomena to make more sense.
I’m not sure whether reality is analog or digital. Ever since the rise of quantum physics it seems that reality has been considered digital and discontinuous.

However, if string or M-theory has any truth to it, and ultimate reality is defined as vibrations in a waveform, perhaps it is analog after all.

I’m just glad we are finally getting away from the idea of a “point particle.” How can a particle have existence without extension in space?
In a sense, the Trinity is a quantum theory and like tacheons, the three beings comprising God has power but no mass, unless it is Mass.
Is reality discrete or continuous? Can it be broken up into little bits or is it a unified whole? Is analysis a valid method of understanding reality (in analysis, we take somethng apart conceptually in order to understand it)?
Reality is reality: as defined in the dictionary.

You mean, do things that are real exhibit the attributes of being discrete or continuous… etc, etc?
Is reality discrete or continuous? Can it be broken up into little bits or is it a unified whole? Is analysis a valid method of understanding reality (in analysis, we take somethng apart conceptually in order to understand it)?
Well obviously both, I mean every life is divided into little moments in which we make decisions, some important, some not
It matters little if I decide I want cheese or not on my “Whopper”, It matters a great deal if I vote for a pro life or pro death congressperson.
When I am on my deathbed I suppose my life is more the unified whole. Consider the aforementioned Whopper…I am the cook, and accidently drop your burger on the floor…so I pick it up and look at it… any hair…no…, any objects that could not be passed off as pepper? …no …so I serve it to you…OK… so what will be for me little bit of reality… (divided moments)…It is something done to you that I will have to at some time put into my unified whole…I am then faced with the task of facing my Creator and giving an account for my life and not letting Him catch me secretly smiling about the fact that I gave a Quantum Reality Philosophy dude a dirty hamburger while considering my unified whole. What’s a person to do?
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