(Gilles Deleuze)
(Carl Jung)
I don’t think either quote is terrible, though I’m not familiar with Deleuze and Jung was a known herretical thinker.
right and wrong, I would say, are a form of Sense and Non-sense. Being of divine command theory of ethics, the word of God makes right and wrong have inherent benefit to follow… thus to follow any other than prescribed right does not make rational sense.
To the first quote, I would say that the state of moral depravity caused by the breaking of the world IS a form of irrationality. Sin, which is so harmful to our entire society and yet so desirous to the self, is a form of irrationality. Thus to say that rationality is a carved out area from irrationality is roughly equivolant in my mind to speaking of the grace of God which allows mankind to resist the irrational and harmful desires promoted by satan and to reject sin.