I know the basics, but does anyone know some of the in depth philosophical arguments used against Arianism? In other words, arguments stating that Jesus is truly of the same substance as God?
We can prove by the light of human reason that God exists, and that God is Existence in Scholastic Philosophy, in the study of Ontology, the study of Being as Being. But to know the identity of this God, we must turn to revelation which identifies Jesus Christ as being this God. When Jesus said "I knew you before you came to be,for I am. Meaning I always existed, and I am who am, meaning "I Am Existence The Uncaused Cause had to have existence as it’s nature, it had to subsist, needing no other cause for it’s existence. Jesus identified Himself as this Uncaused cause when He said “I Am Who Am” making reference to Moses and the Burning Bush, and at other times in the New testament.I know the basics, but does anyone know some of the in depth philosophical arguments used against Arianism? In other words, arguments stating that Jesus is truly of the same substance as God?
I think any such arguments would have to be based on Revelation, which is why they would have used Scripture. Other than the fact that any begotten son is of the same substance as his father.I know the basics, but does anyone know some of the in depth philosophical arguments used against Arianism? In other words, arguments stating that Jesus is truly of the same substance as God?
blueletterbible.org/search/search.cfm?Criteria=only+begotten*+G3439&t=KJV#s=s_primary_0_1I think any such arguments would have to be based on Revelation, which is why they would have used Scripture. Other than the fact that any begotten son is of the same substance as his father.