Photios of Nicomedia/Photios of Konstantinople/other such saints

  • Thread starter Thread starter Volodymyr
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Perhaps is some confusion about Saints named Photios (Fotij). There are several with several feast days which by old calendar dates Russian church recognizes:

Photios Metropolit of Rus’ July2, May 27
Photios, Martyr of Constantinople who died at time ikonoborchiski troubles and was NOT a patriarch)
Photios, Patriarch Constant(name removed by moderator)le, February 6 ( I believe it unlikely that Roman or Ruthenian Catholics celebrate such a feast)
Photios of Nicomedia - August 12 who martyred by Diokletian with Anikita. Very old feast day, probably what Ruthenians celebrate.

Photios Konstatinople Patriarch is very popular saint of some Orthodox for polemical reasons. For similar reasons probably not even considered for canonization by Catholics.
Hello Volodymir:

I wish that you were correct in your statement that it is “unlikely that Roman or Ruthenian Catholics” celebrate the February 6 feast day of Photios of Constantinople. We Roman-rite Catholics don’t, but I understand that Rome has allowed Eastern-rite Catholics (apparently Ukrainian and Ruthenians) to “restore” his feastday to their calendars, just because the Eastern Orthodox celebrate his feastday. This was the Photios that dared to excommunicate the Pope, one of the very things that Dioscoros of Alexandria was judged for doing! I am very disappointed in these “Catholics” that they would want to restore his feastday, since I think it implies a lack of respect for the Pope. Maybe someone can explain why these Eastern Catholics think they are justified in doing this.

I also think that restoring Photios’ feastday to agree with the Eastern Orthodox calendar can only be seen as an admission by Ukrainian Catholics that they are inferior to the Eastern Orthodox. As a Western Catholic I’d like to see the Ukrainian Catholics proclaim even louder that their church, not the Ukrainian Orthodox or other Eastern Orthodox churches, is the model for what Eastern Christianity should be.

Can you tell us the dates of the others also named “Photios”? I’d like to know which of them might be recognized as a saint by us in the West.

Perhaps is some confusion about Saints named Photios (Fotij). There are several with several feast days which by old calendar dates Russian church recognizes:

Photios Metropolit of Rus’ July2, May 27
Photios, Martyr of Constantinople who died at time ikonoborchiski troubles and was NOT a patriarch)
Photios, Patriarch Constant(name removed by moderator)le, February 6 ( I believe it unlikely that Roman or Ruthenian Catholics celebrate such a feast)
Photios of Nicomedia - August 12 who martyred by Diokletian with Anikita. Very old feast day, probably what Ruthenians celebrate.

Photios Konstatinople Patriarch is very popular saint of some Orthodox for polemical reasons. For similar reasons probably not even considered for canonization by Catholics.
Perhaps is some confusion about Saints named Photios (Fotij). There are several with several feast days which by old calendar dates Russian church recognizes:

Photios Metropolit of Rus’ July2, May 27
Photios, Martyr of Constantinople who died at time ikonoborchiski troubles and was NOT a patriarch)
Photios, Patriarch Constant(name removed by moderator)le, February 6 ( I believe it unlikely that Roman or Ruthenian Catholics celebrate such a feast)
Photios of Nicomedia - August 12 who martyred by Diokletian with Anikita. Very old feast day, probably what Ruthenians celebrate.

Photios Konstatinople Patriarch is very popular saint of some Orthodox for polemical reasons. For similar reasons probably not even considered for canonization by Catholics.
Which one got his beard pulled out at council? (I’ve always liked that story simply because it showed that councils can be a lot more exciting than dry meetings).
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