Photo: Statue of Virgin Mary Beheaded and Thrown Down, at Parish

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Is there a point or a purpose to this? Yes, we know this is going on. Is there a reason we need to be aware of this particular one that has no link?
Is there a point or a purpose to this? Yes, we know this is going on. Is there a reason we need to be aware of this particular one that has no link?
We don’t even know if this one was vandalized. It could have unfortunately fallen down due to bad weather or something.
It seems to me that we are experiencing in our day, as has occurred before but perhps never so vicious as this current defacing of Mary’s Images, the words spoken by God to the snake in the Book of Genesis 3: 14 - 15, after Adam and Eve had disobeyed God:
14 Then the LORD God said to the snake: Because you have done this, cursed are you among all the animals, tame or wild; On your belly you shall crawl, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life.

15 I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; They will strike at your head, while you strike at their heel.
It is comes to mind what is spoken of in the Book of Revelation 12 - the entire chapter is worth pondering but especially verse 17:
…Then the dragon became angry with the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring, those who keep God’s commandments and bear witness to Jesus.
Tomorrow is the First Friday of September and Saturday is the First Saturday of this Month dedicated to the Sorrowful Mother. Both Jesus and Mary have asked for Reparation and we need to heed their requests.
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Is this any different than when statues were trashed during the late 1960s / early 70s? By Catholics?
I guess it’s different because it’s outsiders doing it…
It’s bad for sure, but sadly I bet vandalism like this happens a lot.
It does. Our church’s outdoor statue of Mary has no nose. A statue of Jesus at another parish had no hands. It’s been going on “ quietly” for a very long time.

Not that that makes it okay. But it’s not new.
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They put a man on the moon AND can make unbreakable statues!

Most statues are cast from nylon reenforced concrete. The nylon makes them weather resistant, but adds little to the structural integrity. Mary’s head probably broke from the hitting the stones after she was toppled.

Statues can be made of polycarbonate or a combination of resins. They don’t take paint very well, but pigment can be added - and they are literally bulletproof.
This is an article from July, and a thread was already created in July about it. I remember because St. Stephen’s in Chattanooga was my parish at the time this happened.
There may have been a thread before about this incident. However, this thread focuses on the photo of the statue of the Virgin Mary cast down, which gives it a different a different tenor. This photo makes makes it immediate, makes it come alive. A picture is worth a thousand words.
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Brittany, in NW France is a beautiul Department (County) . Its very historic and speaks of diffenent times when Catholicism was held in high regard. I remember all the towns and villages had their own open air Calvaires. When we were there in 2004
some of the Calvaires were still lovingly tended and had flowers growing around them and some were sadly neglected. Brittany was the most traditional part of France and probably, the most Catholic. I digress - We visited a town called Treguier and the Church was open so we went in. Inside, it was darkened, but
you could see a number of statues adorning the walls. The statues were lifesize and they all had been damaged- some decapitated, some without hands and arms.
This had happened during the time of the iconoclasts .
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