Physical Manifestations of The Spirit

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I was wondering if you all will offer your view/personal feelings on this topic: Praying in tongues, physical healing, spiritual deliverance, I am sure there are others as you will point out. I am asking because it seems that there are few Catholics that seem to be comfortable delving in this area and I was wondering if that was true across the board and if so why? Or is it just a misconception on my part.
Members of the Catholic church have have a special devotion to the Holy Spirit and practice the manifestation of these gifts are called Charismatic Catholics. Do a search for “Charismatic”, and you’ll find everything you ever wanted to know.

God bless!
Members of the Catholic church have have a special devotion to the Holy Spirit and practice the manifestation of these gifts are called Charismatic Catholics. Do a search for “Charismatic”, and you’ll find everything you ever wanted to know.

God bless!
I have been searching for a Charismatic Catholic group any where semi-close to my house, but have come up empty. I have moved around a lot in the last 5 years and in every parish I have gone to there has been nothing along the lines of a Charismatic group. And When I enquire I get the raised eyebrow from the parish priest.
I was wondering if you all will offer your view/personal feelings on this topic: Praying in tongues, physical healing, spiritual deliverance, I am sure there are others as you will point out. I am asking because it seems that there are few Catholics that seem to be comfortable delving in this area and I was wondering if that was true across the board and if so why? Or is it just a misconception on my part.
Hello B!

I have some friends that have the gift of tongues as well as other gifts, and personally, I think it is beautiful to see the Holy Spirit manifest Himself in this way. He gave these gifts to the prophets and the Apostles, why not in today’s world? Sadly however, I think this world in which we live is too cynical and unbeliving, so when the topic such as this arises, people lift an eyebrow. Personally, I would love to talk more about this topic. Thanks for starting this thread- maybe a fruitful discussion will arise from it.

Thanks B!!

Just my thoughts. 🙂

God Bless!

My thoughts.
The apostle warned people that speaking in tongues was a waste of time unless there was someone there to interpret it. Also, we cannot be sure the apostles spoke in tongues or did anything similiar to todays charismatics.
I think you need to be careful when looking for signs and wonders such as these as the enemy can raise his ugly head. He is the greatest deceiver. Many saints at times could not be sure if supernatural events came from God or satan. Read St Teresa of Avila.
Just some thoughts.
I have been searching for a Charismatic Catholic group any where semi-close to my house, but have come up empty. I have moved around a lot in the last 5 years and in every parish I have gone to there has been nothing along the lines of a Charismatic group. And When I enquire I get the raised eyebrow from the parish priest.
What diocese are you currently in? This forum has connected people with charismatic groups on more then one occasion.

JRJ, Thank you for reminding us that loving God isn’t dependent on external signs. For further discussion on the validity of the Charismatic movement, please leave you thoughts on the thread “Charismatic Movement: Good or Bad?”

God bless you all!
John Russell Jr:
The apostle warned people that speaking in tongues was a waste of time unless there was someone there to interpret it.
This has always been my thought too. When the Christians spoke in tongues at Pentecost, foreigners could understand what they were saying. Can Charismatics claim the same today?

What diocese are you currently in? This forum has connected people with charismatic groups on more then one occasion.

God bless you all!
I live in Urbana MD. So I have access to many Parishes / Churches in the area. Federick, west Baltimore, North DC/Germantown, etc.
John Russell Jr:
My thoughts.
The apostle warned people that speaking in tongues was a waste of time unless there was someone there to interpret it. Avila.
Just some thoughts.
I would have to challenge the “waste of time” idea.

1 Cor 14:2 and 5 For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to human beings but to God, for no one listens; he utters mysteries in spirit. [and] Now I wish that you all spoke in tongues, but even more that you would prophesy; and greater is one who prophesies than one who speaks in tongues, unless he interprets, so that the church may receive edifying.

This really doesn’t suggest to me that seeking to pray in tongues is a waste of time.
My feelings on the charismatic movement are mixed. Some of it is genuine and some of it is not. Discernment in all of this can be difficult. One true measure that can be helpful is whether or not it is leading you closer to Jesus and deepening your relationship with Him, or whether it is the manifestations themselves which become the central focus.
My feelings on the charismatic movement are mixed. Some of it is genuine and some of it is not. Discernment in all of this can be difficult. One true measure that can be helpful is whether or not it is leading you closer to Jesus and deepening your relationship with Him, or whether it is the manifestations themselves which become the central focus.
I share this opinon. I wish I’d have said it thusly, instead, i’m afraid I came across rather unchartiably in my 1st post in this thread.

If anything, the Charismatic Movement has the blessings of JPII and it’s not only brought many back to the Faith, but it’s also helped many to grow in it.

John Russell Jr:
My thoughts.
The apostle warned people that speaking in tongues was a waste of time unless there was someone there to interpret it. Also, we cannot be sure the apostles spoke in tongues or did anything similiar to todays charismatics.
I think you need to be careful when looking for signs and wonders such as these as the enemy can raise his ugly head. He is the greatest deceiver. Many saints at times could not be sure if supernatural events came from God or satan. Read St Teresa of Avila.
Just some thoughts.
Dear John
With all love and respect, I must correct you.
You say the apostles warned people about speakig in tongues. In fact, that is not correct. Paul said, “tongues was a noisy gong without Love…” Paul also stated that he DID speak in tongues.
Scripture refers to a few kinds of tongues. I will name 3.
First there is the tongues as spoken at Pentecost where Peter was speaking in languages folks understood.
Second there is a “word” or “prophesy” in tongues with interpretation.
Third there is prayer in tongues. This is referred to in one scripture as the Spirit praying for you in groans and utterings you cannot understand. One (I am only mentioning one) reason for this is the Spirit prays like this, through you, when you do not know how to pray.
A number of the Saints have written of their lives in the Spirit, which we Charismatics recognize instantly. The descriptions are just too like our own.

I suggest, that reading the entire book of Acts will clear up much.

By the way, this weekend at the SCRC Charismatic Conference, I spoke to a Religious Brother who is a Bible Scholar (as opposed to a Bible reader). He said that when Paul said tongues was the least gift, he was comparing it to prophesy. When I re-read it, I see he is right. He was not comparing it to all the gifts but only the one. And he instructed the Church to ALL set our goals for the gift of Prophesy.
I live in Urbana MD. So I have access to many Parishes / Churches in the area. Federick, west Baltimore, North DC/Germantown, etc.
Well, my sense of Maryland geography is completely bonkers, but here’s a place to start:

St. Paul’s
Damascus MD

Charismatic Prayer Group Contact:
Patt Linn

It looks like they meet Mondays, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
If they’re too far away, I’d just give them a call up and ask if they knew about any other prayer groups in your area. We tend to all be very interconnected 😛

I would have to challenge the “waste of time” idea.

1 Cor 14:2 and 5 For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to human beings but to God, for no one listens; he utters mysteries in spirit. [and] Now I wish that you all spoke in tongues, but even more that you would prophesy; and greater is one who prophesies than one who speaks in tongues, unless he interprets, so that the church may receive edifying.

This really doesn’t suggest to me that seeking to pray in tongues is a waste of time.
While not a waste of time it should be noted that Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 12:31 to, “…earnestly desire the higher gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way.” He then goes on in Chapter 13 to talk about the importance of love as opposed to the lesser gifts. The supernatural gifts of faith, hope, and charity are greater and more important than all of the other gifts.

In 1 Cor 13:7-10, Paul tells us that “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.Love never ends; as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect; but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away.” Growth in faith, hope, and especially love certainly exceeds all of the other gifts. IMHO, the fruit of the Spirit [love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness] should come ahead of the lesser gifts.

I have only added these comments to offer some perspective, and they are not meant to be a downer on the charismatic movement.
Well, my sense of Maryland geography is completely bonkers, but here’s a place to start:

St. Paul’s
Damascus MD

Charismatic Prayer Group Contact:
Patt Linn

It looks like they meet Mondays, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
If they’re too far away, I’d just give them a call up and ask if they knew about any other prayer groups in your area. We tend to all be very interconnected 😛

Awesome 'Possum
My feelings on the charismatic movement are mixed. Some of it is genuine and some of it is not. Discernment in all of this can be difficult. One true measure that can be helpful is whether or not it is leading you closer to Jesus and deepening your relationship with Him, or whether it is the manifestations themselves which become the central focus.
Nicely put and I agree. No ‘thing’ should detract our vision or focus from Him. But rather enhance it.

Thanks for the (name removed by moderator)ut. Anyone in the Charismatic movement readily recognizes that the “charismatic” gifts are the lesser gifts, and that we should strive for faith, hope, and charity above all, and obedience to the church and its sacraments. That is the purpose of the renewal, to stem from the grace of the church in the sacraments, to lead its members into deeper relationship with the church and the sacraments. That through the church and its sacraments, we may come to know God more in faith, hope, and love.

All else is method and details. Praise God he gives us so many methods!

This has been great getting peoples (name removed by moderator)uts and a phone number I can call to get wired in – THANKS to all.

Maybe we can sprout into people’s experiences? How has being involved in the various Physical Manifestations of The Spirit aided your walk with Christ?
Maybe we can sprout into people’s experiences? How has being involved in the various Physical Manifestations of The Spirit aided your walk with Christ?
If you look a few pages deep into the spirituality forum, there is a thread called “Catholic Charismatic Experiences.” ABout 110 posts long right now. I’m too lazy to dig it up, but feel free to read through it!

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