Pilgrimage tours?

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I posted this in the water cooler section earlier but received no responses. So, I’ll try here.

My girlfriend and I, (and my family if I can convince them), would like to spend part of the holiday season in a “holy place.” She suggested either the Holy Land or Rome (and other parts of Italy). I’m leaning toward Rome, but if I can find a good package deal in the Holy Land, I’ll jump on it.

So far, www.regina-tours.com seems to be a good site with decent prices and many different options. But can anyone else suggest something?

Much obliged,
About a dozen years ago our parish sponsored a Regina Tours pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I wasn’t especially keen on going, but thought that everyone ought to go sometime, and the price was right, so I figured why not go with friends and fellow parishioners?

It turned out to be a phenomenal journey, better than the best retreat I’ve ever attended. It’s one thing to read a story in the bible and “believe” but when you’ve been to the site you have a whole new understanding.

Imagine standing in the synagogue in Capernaum, and realizing that’s where Jesus prayed. Or taking a boat ride across the Sea of Galilee when the wind starts to whip up. Or seeing Mary’s home, where the angel appeared in the Annunciation. Or visiting the sites of His birth, and His death and resurrection. Other sites are less historically verifiable, but are still inspirational.

About two years ago we were planning to return, but shortly after we picked a date there were security issues. Bethlehem was actually sealed off at the time. We never rescheduled, but I’d like to go back some day.
montanaman said:

seems to be a good site with decent prices and many different options. But can anyone else suggest something?

Almost every diocese with a newspaper will have ads in it from those who specialize in tours - everywhere from Ephesus to audiences at the Vatican.

Additionally, is is usual that every diocese puts out an annual directory of all of its facilities and that is usually peppered with the same kinds of ads. We have a number of them appearing in our parish bulletin as well.

You may not have seen this link in the Spirituality section. There’s a pilgrimage to the Holy Land being led by Father Mitch Pacqua. He’s an EWTN host and Jesuit bible scholar who can quote scripture passages in Hebrew and Aramaic.

If there’s still room, this would be the perfect pilgrimage.
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