Had an idea after having Jehovah’s Witnesses knock on my door two weeks in a row. They always have literature on hand, but I open the door empty handed and politely turn them away.
Since the JW’s are in my neighborhood on a regular basis, I figured I’d be ready for them next time. I bought several “Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth” brochures from Catholic Answers, and if another one comes to my door, I’ll tell them “I’ll take your literature if you take mine.” I figure it’s better than having an argument on the doorstep, and at least I’ve made an effort to evangelize rather than just turning them away with a “no thanks.”
We normally used to get JW’s at our house. When they rang the doorbell and started reading some bible verses, they would be told “we’re Catholic… sorrry but we are not interested” but they would still continue to come back.
One day though My father and I tried a different approach… rather than having some debate or discussing apologetics we just invited them into our house and had them sit more confortably (luckily it was very hot outside, because they normally refuse to enter the houses they come to). We offered them water (not surprisingly they refused, but it still does not matter). They began to evangelize as if we knew nothing about Christ and even started complaining about the sin in the world and other things related to that. And get this! rather than arguing, we simply talked about the points they were correct in with charity! Not only did we take their Watchtower magazine, (of course we disposed of it afterwards), we even invited them to come back again to talk more! Throughout the talk they had the most bewildered looks on their faces as if they had never encountered such a reaction before.
The result?
We have not seen any JW’s come back since…

Why? because these people are used to conflict and arguments. They are required to do door to door preaching by their leaders to the point of being brainwashed, and it looks anything but enjoyable. In other words, they are not very happy people (as see when they talked about the world in general negatively). They are prepared for debate and conflict; that is what they are trained for after all, but when a person welcomes them in and treats them as a true Christian should, they begin to get confused. When they see a Catholic family is truly at peace they think, “how is it that if these people are condemned to hell they are happy and at peace and we are not?” (remember that they believe only 144,000 will be in heaven… that must be quite discouraging to a JW when there are millions of them)
We cannot evangelize them with apologetics alone; that will close them even more… but we must show them through our example that we have the one true faith and it brings true peace. We may not see the results, but through our actions we are in fact planting seeds in their hearts that might later grow entering the Catholic Church.
Or maybe they just thought that we were really convinced by what they had to say and thought their work was done… but I tend to look at the more positive side of things