PIMO JW trying to convert to Catholicism

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Hello there! I’m a 19 year old boy hailing from Brazil born-in as a Jehovah’s witness. To give out some context, I was raised in a very loving family, that actually encouraged me seeking higher education (as you may know this is not the case from the part of WT’s org) and, in many ways, far less strict than many averages JW families, you could say. I’ve dedicated a lot of my life to this religion, and I’m even a ministerial servant (the aid of a pastor, so to speak) at the moment. Well, how I got into Cathicism? Basically, I started enjoying reading philosophy starting from High School, and I decided I should know more about apologetics so I could preach better to atheists. Gradually I was introduced to St. Thomas, St. Augustine and many others. This, alongside my readings around “apostate” literature as WT’s name it (literature made my ex-JWs about the religion) made me realize that I’m in a high control religion and a man’s made group composed of false prophets.

I won’t discuss these points too much in depth since it probably is mentioned elsewhere. From a personal perspective, after all these years as a JW, it seems the magic has woren off for me. No matter what I do, I don’t feel like I have a relationship with God; I feel like I have a relationship with a religion and my community. That’s about it. It’s all about the ministry hours, and keep giving out more and more in the preaching work! Especially in recent times, worship as a JW feels more and more bland, at least for me. Chesterton actually argued that religions that depicted Jesus not as God, but as a created prophet would tend to become secular religions, and this is where I feel I am, at the moment. I feel I was taken away from Christ my whole life and that I’ve never recieved His grace.

Now, here’s the thing. As many of you may know, WT promotes the unloving teaching of disfellowshipping. Basically anyone who leaves needs to be shunned and avoided at all costs. Including family members. Since I’m legally an adult, WT would advise my parents to kick me out of home (although I believe they wouldn’t do so). I wish I could actually be able to discuss all these matters with my parents properly, but I know I can’t. At least not right now, and definitely not with my father. He has complete and blind faith in this org despite their many failed prophecies. In fact, he even admits - and is fine with it - that some aspect of the doctrine will be changed in the near future. This religion takes you as a hostage, from a psychological standpoint. And, as far as my life in general goes, I’m not unhappy as a JW. I love my family, my congregation, and I own to this religion how I stand as a person today, and I don’t know if I would be the same way in terms of ethos otherwise. I fear losing my family a lot and I’m struggling every day thinking about what I should do. Are there any ex-JWs around here who converted to Catholicism? Would anyone in the forums have some advice for me? I ask for your prayers as well. I tried to make this short, but feel free to ask questions if you feel the need.
By the way, sorry if this went into the wrong subforum, I’m new here haha.
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Bom dia, and welcome to the forums. I normally would talk to you about RCIA, but here in the states, it’s not really a thing at the moment. Do you know any Catholics?
Hey there. I do know, in fact, one is quite a close friend of mine and knows everything and more about all of this.
And yeah, I don’t think I would be able to attend RCIA, even without covid-19…
As a first step, if you haven’t done it already, I would suggest asking your Catholic friend to introduce you to a priest. You’re clearly in a very delicate position. Tell the priest everything you’ve told us here, and see what he advises.
I actually have found an ex jw catholic priest through reddit. Felt Providence acting on this stance real hard haha. We’ve been chatting a lot already. I really wished I could find more exjws catholics though, because this priest was a jw a very long time ago.
I know exactly what you are going through, me being an ex-JW myself. I was 19 as well when i left! It was a hard decision. But I remember one night when I was reading Sacred Scripture in John 20. And I read the passage where St Thomas exclaimed to the risen Christ, “My Lord and my God!” When I finished reading that, I broke down in tears. I knew Jesus was God. I knew I needed to respond how Thomas did. I knew I had to agree with him. Jesus had to be my Lord and my God. Then a wave of peace came over me, and my faith was built. So, my advice, from someone who was in the same boat (I was a ministerial servant, auxiliary pioneer, and was reading the Watchtower Sunday mornings), would be to build relationships outside of the witnesses. Don’t be isolated. Find people to support you. There is a huge ex-Jw crowd that can help. And just make real friends outside the organization. Start visiting a Catholic Church and talk to the priest there and let him know your situation. I am sure that he will be willing to help and find others to help. When I was kicked out, I slept on a different couch every week for two months. Finally an older couple let me rent a room from them. But God will make sure things work out. Trust in Him. If you need anything, questions or concerns or just support, you can message me. I check this forum daily. Prayers are for you and I hope God blesses your efforts.
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