My doubt snuck up on me, and it’s about as big as it get’s. I’m my own devil’s advocate. gradually overtime some of these arguments have built up. I’ve been struggling with whether to believe the Eastern orthodox or Catholic side of view. Yesteryday I just made some good progress in terms of overcoming sin, I went to confession, and then to adoration service last night. I was hoping I might resolve some worries(Eucharistic dounts and uncertainties) But My heart/mind/soul cracked unexpectedly during most of the service.I was crying, but for dark reasons. It was something slowly sneaking up since that morning I think. Intillectually, it felt like I became completely convinced of atheism, that God wasn’t there. these are the the reasons. One, I had opposings argument I had trouble counterting:
1.Religion is the result of evolution/natural selection, first natural selection made people who fear death(in order to survive), then humans evolved and took over surviving very well due to their high inteligence. then as a result of their high inteligence, they understood that everyone dies, and to escape that unshakable fear of death it was easy for them to “take the bait”, and believe in life after death, and eternal happiness. So essentially the claim that religion is an emotional defense against death.
2.Less strong argument, but the knowledge that everything I know about God has been passed on to me from others, How do I know the original source is reliable? How do I know early believers did not just “take the bait”, as described above, and that history is just painting a positive light on everybody, due to bias. How can I trust the unknown(History, because its so subjective)? All miracles and things I know about, are shrouded in obscurity. some have misleading “facts” being passed around(guadalupe), that would be obviously miraculous, but they aren’t true, like the eye’s dialating, for example. And the “people in the eyes”, claim is not amazing proof. The images are very blobby, and it could well be people reading faces and figures into blobby shapes. People online say it’s “irredescent”, that is, colors change from distance or angle, but due to other misleading claims, I am having a hard time trusting that, and other claims. It is also a fact that the Guadalupe was at least retouched. People are saying the retouched parts aged, and the original didn’t, but see how complicated it gets? It doesn’t feel like this can bolster my faith the way it used to. It’s hard to believe anything about it now. There’s a skeptical angle on every miracle.
3.What is if this is just me unable to cope with death, and the emotional loss of an imaginary friend who knows me perfectly(because friends in real life don’t really know me on a deep level).
4.The knowledge of the placebo affect, and many false religions. Even if God wasn’t there in the sacrament, people would still be filled with reverence and praise because they thought he was there. The nagging feeling that we all could be duped.
1.Religion is the result of evolution/natural selection, first natural selection made people who fear death(in order to survive), then humans evolved and took over surviving very well due to their high inteligence. then as a result of their high inteligence, they understood that everyone dies, and to escape that unshakable fear of death it was easy for them to “take the bait”, and believe in life after death, and eternal happiness. So essentially the claim that religion is an emotional defense against death.
2.Less strong argument, but the knowledge that everything I know about God has been passed on to me from others, How do I know the original source is reliable? How do I know early believers did not just “take the bait”, as described above, and that history is just painting a positive light on everybody, due to bias. How can I trust the unknown(History, because its so subjective)? All miracles and things I know about, are shrouded in obscurity. some have misleading “facts” being passed around(guadalupe), that would be obviously miraculous, but they aren’t true, like the eye’s dialating, for example. And the “people in the eyes”, claim is not amazing proof. The images are very blobby, and it could well be people reading faces and figures into blobby shapes. People online say it’s “irredescent”, that is, colors change from distance or angle, but due to other misleading claims, I am having a hard time trusting that, and other claims. It is also a fact that the Guadalupe was at least retouched. People are saying the retouched parts aged, and the original didn’t, but see how complicated it gets? It doesn’t feel like this can bolster my faith the way it used to. It’s hard to believe anything about it now. There’s a skeptical angle on every miracle.
3.What is if this is just me unable to cope with death, and the emotional loss of an imaginary friend who knows me perfectly(because friends in real life don’t really know me on a deep level).
4.The knowledge of the placebo affect, and many false religions. Even if God wasn’t there in the sacrament, people would still be filled with reverence and praise because they thought he was there. The nagging feeling that we all could be duped.