Good question!!
I also thought this. I’ve been back in the Church for a little over 10 yrs. after being away for over 20 yrs. My faith growing stronger and stronger. Praise God!
I also felt that we needed a quiet place to prayer in our home. So our bedroom is the largest in our home. (We have children 14 and 12) so We have a table in our room where in the centre is a bible and just above the bible on the wall a cross. Also on our table is a candle my husband was given for his confirmation 8 yrs. ago (hubby is 52) but we don’t light this candle. We have a bigger candle that we bought in Medjugorje, with a couple of rocks from Mount Krizevac, surrounding the candle. And we also have 2 pictures on our table of both my mom and my hubby’s mom who have both passed away. We also keep our rosaries on this table. Also, on our wall above the cross is an 10 x 14 picture of Our Blessed Mother that we received from my sis when she was in Mejugorje (the most beautiful picture of Our Blessed Mother that I’ve ever seen) and beside her picture is a big picture of Jesus with the Crown of Thorns, that I bought in Medjugorje.We also have a Holy Water fount beside Our Lord’s picture that we use at prayer time. This is where our family gathers every night for our night time prayers and Our Consecreation of Our Family.
It’s funny how these things expand though over the years. On the wall beside our little table, we have many more things. Picture of Pope John Paul II, Padre Pio, and then we started to add our confirmation certificates, baptismal certificates etc.
I wish we used this more often, for personal prayer but our home is a very peace-filled home. Thank you Jesus. And we also live in the country, so I find myself sitting outside in the back porch alot admiring and praising God in His creation. This is also peaceful.
Although it is nice to use our room in the winter when its tooo cold to go outside.
Yes, I think it’s a great thing for a family to have somewhere in their homes where you can go for peace and prayer.