These notes on CAF aren’t anonymous. They’re attributed to my unique online account, which has a name and an identity. Yes, I own them. CAF knows who I am and holds me accountable for whatever I post. I also have been on the Internet long enough to know that if somebody wants to find out the name behind a posting identity, they will do it and you better not put anything here you don’t want to answer for later, including in a court of law.
Also, it is permitted to post here, as long as one doesn’t violate rules. That’s the purpose of the forum. People come here to read posts. If the OP’s school had something called a “Note Wall” where people could just post whatever, within a certain set of guidelines (which would likely exclude religious and political notes), he could post his notes on that wall.
In a secular school, leaving a lot of anonymous notes around, which are presumably unsigned and nobody knows who’s leaving them and they’re posted in places where maybe one wouldn’t normally put notes, such as on a door, in a restroom etc, is likely to get you on the radar of school authorities and possibly in hot water. A person could feel frightened or bothered by seeing a note about some politics that they don’t agree with. Just think if the pro-choice brigade, or a group advocating atheism, posted notes all over a secular school saying, "Abortion is a right! " or “Atheism is awesome!” Would you want to read that stuff every day when you were just trying to go to school?
When I was in school, there were bulletin boards and if you wanted to post something you had to get the approval of the principal first and not just put stuff up without asking. I did that once, put something up without asking, and got in hot water for it.
Furthermore, why does this guy need to be anonymous? If he wants to advocate pro-life, he can say it out loud. We all do.