Plains Baptist Challenger

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I’ve mentioned on another thread that my mother sent me Jack Chick materials. I’ve been receiving a newspaper called Plains Baptist Challenger also that I believe came from her. This is the kind of stuff they print:

Whoopee-do They Found The Rock

By E. L. Bynum

"Rock where Virgin Mary rested reportedly is located."
So read the headlines from the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal for 11-10-97. Above the headline was a picture of an ugly rock that was excavated from a 5th-century Byzantine church. The article said, “the rock revered by early Christians as the place where the pregnant Virgin Mary rested on her way to Bethlehem.” The ruins are under the control of the Greek Orthodox Church, but it also holds great interest for the Roman Catholics. After the excavation has been completed, it will be opened up to the pilgrims.

This will give the idolaters in the Roman and Greek churches something else to worship. Surely anyone who touches it will gain a passport to heaven. In my estimation, it should be sent to the rock crusher. I would say that Mary probably never saw the rock, much less to sit upon it. However, even if she slept on it, what possible use would the rock be for Bible believers?
Catholics see the virgin Mary in screen doors, in tree bark, and in the sky. They see weeping statues of Mary and other assorted idols. What these dear people need, is to find The Rock of Ages, the Lord Jesus Christ. They need the salvation that He alone can give. They will never find hope, help, or salvation in religious objects.

The one I received today, I wrote refused and put it back in the mail box. How does a person handle something like this that’s continuous without losing it?
First of all, find out if it’s your mother. Second, tell her how you feel. Third, if it doesn’t work, you can always call the authorities for harassment. (lol, just kidding 😃 ). Why don’t you start sending her Catholic tracts? Why not send her the magazine of your diocese, if it has one, or send her some issues of “This Rock” magazine? You could send her email, snail mail, anything that works. Send her things that explain the Catholic faith and refute the trash she sends you.
The chick tracts and newspaper you recieved is proof that many Catholic bashers either do not understand Catholicism or they enjoy lieing about it. God said many would leave His Church, the Catholic Church, and those items are proof that when missguided souls leave His body they turn often to fantasy and lies. Pray for your mother, pray for the inept and misguided souls that wrote such horrible things about Christ’s body, and send your mother some truthfull tracts, books and magazines. Do this with love towards her and go slowly so as not to offend or overwhelm her. It may take years for her to understand Gods word and come home to the Catholic Church. The Church was here before her or her sect and will be here after her and her sect.

Try to talk to her about what ‘she’ believes and then ask her to back it with Scripture. Show her where her theology is strong and where it is lacking. But allways with love. Focus on her theology and you will be able to show her its flaws. Then begin to explain to her Catholic theology and how it is God word.
…This will give the idolaters in the Roman and Greek churches something else to worship. Surely anyone who touches it will gain a passport to heaven. In my estimation, it should be sent to the rock crusher. I would say that Mary probably never saw the rock, much less to sit upon it. However, even if she slept on it, what possible use would the rock be for Bible believers?
I love it. Really. Because it Jack Chick pointed me to the correct way. And the others are similar. I’m glad they call Catholics idol worshippers. It is easier to prove them wrong. Follow my thinking:

If Catholics are correct and Protestants are wrong (about the Eucharist and other similar matters of “idolatry”), then there can be evidence of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in lives of Christians of either Protestant or Catholic. Catholics call many of us Protestants their “separated brethren”.

If Protestants are correct that Catholics are idol worshipers, then there can not be evidence of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in Catholics lives. Because they are idol worshipers. Same as pagans.

Yet, in my life I have personally come across a few Roman Catholics that I incurably admire for the works God accomplished in their lives. I first heard about Blessed Father Damian from a leper at Kalaupapa. And stood near his grave. I cannot deny that Father Damian voluntarily gave his life to be a Priest for the lepers. It was a one-way ticket. He refused to leave when he was given a chance. His death was not a murder or an accidental death – it was complications from leprosy. And Archbishop Fulton Sheen has touched my life, by writing the most advanced Christian thinking. I never came across such good writing while reading a Protestant Christian author. And the local Benedictine Sisters have one of the best and most practical Christian ministries in my county. Many local Protestant Churches also donate funds towards their efforts. Even my Baptist Church (before its present minister) recognized the efforts of the Benedictine Sisters as being Christian and worthy of financial support. I personally benefited from them by going to a divorce-recovery workshop shortly after my first wife left me.

Since the most vocal wacko Protestants are clearly wrong, it proves the Catholics are right.

So yes, I love it. And I love my Baptist Pastor who every communion emphatically says it is symbolic. And when he tells people to hurry up during a funeral of somebody we all loved so much. I don’t want to straighten them out. Leave them where they are so others can more easily follow. Such obvious faults are like clearly displayed billboards pointing the correct way to Christ. God is in control. And He uses everybody to benefit us.

Romans 8:28: “We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”

I am Baptist signed up for RCIA / RCIC.
Welcome aboard the Barque of Peter. I joined years ago and love it.

I would send the mother lots of Catholic Answers tracts. Then toss all the ones you are sent so no one else will be infected with their error. When she comes to visit make sure you have a statue of Mary in every room. Before every meal say grace in Latin making the sign of the cross. In other words drive her nuts till she gets the point. Eventually she will discover that all she is doing is making you more Catholic. Make sure you thank her for it.
Have you ever sat down and step by step revealed to your mother the lies Jack Chick prints about the Catholic Church? If she believes the lies, she will never read the tracts that are Catholic. Offer to go over step by step one of the Jack Chick Tracts if she goes over step by step a Catholic tract of your choice.

God Bless
By the way, have you gone to and looked at the Special Report on Chick Tracts? If not, you should. Show it to your mother, see what she thinks.

about a year ago,i was shocked and livid when an auctioneer from ebay sent me jack chick tracts together with the merchandise i won emailed him right away that i was offended,as i was catholic and referred him to marcus grodi’s website.i also advised him not to mix business with abasing others faith.he attempted to argue and cautioned him that i will report him to ebay management, if he persists in attacking rcc,which made him stopped barking at another incident,i was exiting from walmart (south texas)when people from a distant (a small town in georgia,as indicated in the van) baptist church,were chasing customers and handing them flyers that if they’re catholic,they’re going straight to hell and they need to leave the faith.i questioned one of them and told her that i am offended and returned the flyer.she apologized though.i reported the incident to the manager,who confronted them.i didnt stop there, as i immediately called the closest parish church and reported the incident too.we just have just to be vigilant in defending our faith,we need action,besides prayers!
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