Planned Parenthood Brings Back Pro-Abortion "Choice on Earth" Christmas Cards

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I am pro choice. I choose not to buy the cards:mad:
Slanned Parenthood Brings Back Pro-Abortion “Choice on Earth” Christmas Cards
by Steven Ertelt Editor
December 8, 2005

**Washington, DC ( – **Planned Parenthood has brought back its offensive Choice on Earth Christmas cards, turning a holiday celebrating Jesus’ birth into a fundraising opportunity to support abortion.

In an email Thursday encouraging its members to “send a holiday gift with real meaning” Planned Parenthood tells potential donors they can choose from one of five “Choice on Earth” Christmas cards.

Full Story
I am pro choice. I choose not to buy the cards:mad: PF
Well said! So long as there is *that * kind of “choice” on Earth, there will be no peace!

Are there any specifically Pro-Life Christmas cards available?
Dear all,

I wonder if the people at PP thought about what would have happened if Mary had exercised her “right” to choose. What would they be celebrating? Their card is in itself a contradiction.

We should pray for those who spread Abortion and contraception. Perhaps by the weight of our prayers and the mercy of God, they’ll see that each and every human life is precious.

God bless,

Dear all,

I wonder if the people at PP thought about what would have happened if Mary had exercised her “right” to choose. What would they be celebrating? Their card is in itself a contradiction.

We should pray for those who spread Abortion and contraception. Perhaps by the weight of our prayers and the mercy of God, they’ll see that each and every human life is precious.
Or worse, the PP and the ACLU found out that the baby was God and would threaten their power. With the judical activists on the courts these days, they would of probably tried to force an abortion… :ehh: … :hmmm: …Sounds like a good storyline for one of those alternative history novels like the ones by Harry Turtledove:whistle:


Or worse, the PP and the ACLU found out that the baby was God and would threaten their power. With the judical activists on the courts these days, they would of probably tried to force an abortion…
:rotfl: I often wondered about this too… had Mary exercised her free will to “choose” something so horrendous… I’m so thankful for her it’s unreal.

I’m still trying to reconcile such a stupid card with holidays that are supposed to be beautiful… what’s next “Euthanize Great Grandma Day?”
Nothing warms the heart at Christmastime like a dead baby!

I cannot think of anything more tasteless. However, I am not at all surprised Planned Parenthood would pull as stunt like this.
Tasteless sure is the word. And nauseating. And stupid. (“hey, let’s celebrate Christmas - on which we celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus - by sending out cards advocating killing babies! Yeah!” Uh, duh…):nope:
I am pro choice. I PF
How sad. You will be in my prayers-when you wake up to the abject horror you support you will need them.
estesbob, you misunderstood WanderAimlessly. If you re-read his post, he said that he is pro choice in the matter of the cards and chooses to not buy them.
Disgusting. :mad: I imagine they are actually hoping for outrage, to generate publicity.
catsrus said:
estesbob, you misunderstood WanderAimlessly. If you re-read his post, he said that he is pro choice in the matter of the cards and chooses to not buy them.

You are correct. Ihave a very sarcastic sense of humor and I love turning the Culture of Perversion’s terms against them. I think there are bumper stickers out there that say:

I am pro-choice
I choose life

I’m not easily shocked anymore, but those cards floor me!! That they would even think about this, let alone make them a reality shows just how awful PP is. On the plus side, maybe some pro-choicers will see how horrible PP can be and not support them anymore.
Wonder if there will be a song that is sung to the tune of *“Let There Be Peace on Earth” *called “*Let There Be Choice on Earth”? *Let’s see. How would it go? “let there be choice on earth and let it begin with me. let there be choice on earth, I’m free to abort this baby.”

How sick can ya get?!

And, I wonder if they realize that there is choice on earth. It’s in the Bible. " I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose *life *then, that you and your descendants may live." Deut.30:19
Give the gift of death to your baby this Christmas???

You know, my grandparents actually get Christmas presents for their great-grandchildren who are still in the womb. I bet PP would choke if they heard that.
This is just inappropriate in every way, shape, and form. It just shows the 13-yr. old mentality that pro-abortion advocates have. They used to sell their lie with the emotional appeal that abortion was a very painful and private decision for a woman to make, so we shouldn’t fear that it would be taken lightly and overused. Now she should be beating people over the head with pride in her choice. I am only trying to imagine the type of person who would buy these cards. 96% of women who have actually had abortions would cry if they got one of these for Christmas. So much for sensitivity for a private and painful decision. 😦
“choice on earth” seems like a bad slogan, it sounds anti-abortion.
Are they really giving the babies a “choice” to stay on earth?
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