Planned Parenthood & Girl Scouts?

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I received a report from my Parish Pastor regarding relationships between local Girl Scout councils and Planned Parenthood. The report concerned us as our KofC Council charters our local Girl Scout troops and, of course, we would want nothing to do with Planned Parenthood.

I thought you may wish to learn about this as well.

The report is from an organization called STOPP (as in stop Planned Parenthood). The URL is:

If you already knew about this and have decided to do something, please share with the rest of us so we can think of alternatives, if necessary.

It is nice to see that the council in my area is not associated with PP. My daughter has been a GS since she was 5. She is now 16 and working on her Gold Award.

I am seriously considering not signing up my 5 year old this year. Mainly because the Cookie Sales has gotten ridiculous. The girls are just a prop and a marketing ploy. It is just too demanding on the parents. If you think school fund raisers are a pain in the butt try selling GS cookies. SHEESH!!!

I saw a very funny “Everybody Loves Raymond” episode where he got caught up in the frenzy of selling cookies with his daughter. The show hit the nail on the head and it was a good laugh. :rotfl:
We withdrew from our local GS troop both over the Planned Parenthood issue and over the official GS definition of a “family”, which I believe went something like “People who live under one roof and love each other.”

Since that time we have had a very successful troop of JCDA, or Junior Catholic Daughters of The Americas. This organization is focused on service, particularly on service to the Church Body, such as visiting retired priests and nuns, raising money for seminarians, planting gardens in poor parishes, etc etc. You might want to consider them as a great alterative. Our troop created a badge book to go with the service work which we are happy to share. It includes badges like “Media Wisdom” and “Servants Heart”. We also go camping at least twice a semester with the girls.

Another alternative is the Little Flower’s movement, which I don’t know much about. I’ve heard good things, though. Do a google search for little flowers girls catholic group.

God be with you
I started a similar thread called Girl Scouts Affilitation with Planned Parenthood. Check it out; there was some good information and websites posted there.

I’ve since called the National GS office & our local counsel. They both said that each counsel operates independently. Our counsel does not have any affiliation with PP. And I know our leader; she’s excellent & wouldn’t allow any PP kind of info in the door.

We’re still praying about whether or not to continue; when in doubt err on the side morality.

Good luck & God bless you!
My daughter quit Gir lScouts and joined the Boy Scout venture crew. Much better standards 🙂
I took my daughter out of girl scouts because I have read a lot about the organization being feminist and being associated with pp. Theres actually a book written by a former girl scout called “everything I needed to know about being a lesbian I learned at girl scout camp” (or something close to that). It was hard because my daughter is good friends with the leader’s daughter. I also got a funny feeling on the weekend camping trip (which I went along on). They had a ceremony out in the woods at some sort of wooden table (altar?) where they all read their poems they had written about nature while holding a candle.

Anyway, there is a group called American Heritage Girls. It was started by a former leader who quit over not being supposed to sing Christmas carols, and the girls scouts position on homosexuality (that it’s OK). They have a web site. It started in Ohio but i think its grown to 20 states or something. They are Christian and believe in the Trinity.
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