Planned Parenthood is key to reduced abortion rates

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Planned parenthood claims responsibility in the Buffalo News Opinion Column

Planned Parenthood is key to reduced abortion rates

A Nov. 2 front-page article in The News spoke about the decline of abortion rates in the area, which could be attributed to several factors. However, the article neglected to mention the work of Planned Parenthood in preventing unintended pregnancies, a key factor missing in his discussion. Each day at our health centers in Erie and Niagara counties, we give men, women and teens the tools to make responsible decisions about their health and well being. Planned Parenthood does the real work of preventing abortion, doing more than any other organization and much more than protests.

Catherine Herrick

*President & CEO, Planned *
  • Parenthood of Niagara County *
Laura Meyers

*Chief Executive Officer, Planned *
  • Parenthood of Buffalo & Erie Count

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This is like someone saying that he murdered 10 people last year but only 7 this year so he deserves congratulations on the overall murder rate going down.
This is like someone saying that he murdered 10 people last year but only 7 this year so he deserves congratulations on the overall murder rate going down.
After all, this person would say, he found 10 people unfit to live last year but only 7 this year. He must be given credit for adjusting his “unfit to live” barometer.
I read that Missouri (or somewhere) has only one abortion clinic left open. Do you think PP will claim credit for fewer abortions in States where there are few facilities?

I was talking to an 18year-old about how abortion was supposed to decrease rates of child abuse. She said, “So they are saying, if you kill enough babies, there will be fewer born to abuse?”

One of the effects of sin is a dulling of the intellect, they sure prove that by the illogical reasoning they come up with.
The reason they are going down is because Abortions have been legal for almost 32 years…A few years prior to that they just got the pill. HELLO–Those aborted babies/or babies prevented by the pill, for the most part would be in THEIR childbearing years. That is because of the “baby bust” of the 70’s and 80’s. The only thing PP has done to “help” the abortion rates to go down is to murder the past generation. (yeah, I’ll give them a pat on the back:rolleyes: with the wet diaper of a baby they didn’t get their hands on:D ) BTW- the pill is an abortive, as is the IUD and other methods, these are the abortions never recorded.
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