Planned Parenthood's Latest Scheme

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**Anyone else find it utterly rediculous that the same people who cut 24-week-old unborn babies to **
**pieces every single day are concerned about an ultrasound “hurting” an unborn child?? **
**GEE, who knew an unborn child had feelings?? AND HERE I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST A “LUMP OF TISSUE”! **
** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Planned Parenthood Ploy on Ultrasounds
We just read a frantic letter from the National Organization for Women, in which they pretended **
**to be terrified that they may lose their sacred right to murder children without restriction. It **
was a cry-baby letter, difficult to read.
**NARAL, the National Abortion Rights Action League, now Naral Pro-Choice America, is sending a **
**similar letter, while Planned Parenthood is trying to get bills passed that would make it **
**virtually impossible for Crisis Pregnancy Centers to allow women to see their babies alive and **
moving inside their wombs through use of ultrasound.
**They are determined here in Illinois and elsewhere to make it too costly and too difficult for **
**the crisis pregnancy centers to show women ultrasounds. They know that nine out of ten women who **
**see their babies moving and watch their rapid heartbeats, will not go ahead with their schedled **
**The name of the abortion game is, and has always been, make the cash register ring up a sale. **
**But when a woman sees her baby she doesn’t buy the abortion. So, Planned Parenthood is trying to **
get laws passed that would makes it too costly for prolifers to use ultrasound.
**Their specious argument is that ultrasound might harm the unborn, so specialists must be hired **
**to be on hand at all times. Can you figure that out? First of all, ultrasound specialists say **
**the ultrasound procedure does not harm the baby. But Planned Parenthood claims they want to **
protect the baby that they are going to cut to pieces.
**That’s like not allowing a prisoner on death row to have ice cream with his last meal before his **
execution, since it is fattening.
**Fight Illinois Ultrasound Bill
Planned Parenthood must think our Illinois legislators are awfully dumb. If their Illinois bill, **
**HB 2492, the Ultrasound Restriction Act, passes in the General Assembly, they might be right **
**about our legislators. After all, it did pass out of the Senate Health and Human Services **
Committee recently by a vote of 8 to 3.
**So call your own state senator in Springfield at 217-782-2000 and point out the stupidity of **
**this bill. Even the Federal Drug Administration has said there is no evidence whatsoever that an **
**ultrasound can harm the unborn child. Women in Illinois are not seeking such legislation, **
anyway, only Planned Parenthood and the abortion crowd want it.
**A state assembly that believed in the value of Human Life would be on the pro-life side of this **
**issue, urging women to have ultrasounds before even considering an abortion. Our next door **
**neighbor, Indiana, passed a law that at least requires that the abortionist tell women about the **
availabililty of ultrasound.

**So what do you think, it is about protecting the unborn child from those Oh so deadly ultrasound **
**rays, or is it about the almighty buck that gets snatched away from the abortionist after the **
**woman sees her baby and decides to keep him or her?? **

I would watch for this happening in my own state.
I know. “Experts required” indeed. Having watched 2 different doctors perform ultrasound on me when I was pregnant, I feel pretty sure I could’ve picked up the wand and done it myself the exact same way. It ain’t rocket science.
They are running scared and grasping at straws,in New York they set up an ultrasound and let women have them free and 80% of the women did NOT abort!:clapping: They know what will happen if they have to provide them.
I know. “Experts required” indeed. Having watched 2 different doctors perform ultrasound on me when I was pregnant, I feel pretty sure I could’ve picked up the wand and done it myself the exact same way. It ain’t rocket science.
If you have an ultrasound for something other than pregnancy, it isn’t even a doctor.
This is absolutely absurd! They’re running scared because they realize that pregnant women who see ultrasound images become moms.

Like they’re concerned about the health of the babies that they would just as quickly rip from the womb of the mother. Ultrasounds are not as damaging to the health of a baby as an abortion!


They are so full of it. If they are really SO concerned about the well-being of these “fetuses” that the ultrasounds are supposedly harming, then why aren’t they going after people like this???:

These people are doing it for ENTERTAINMENT purposes and for money. I have heard that an average “photo shoot” with people like this can take up to 2 hours with the ultrasound on! (Though, you have to admit the pictures are beautiful). Why aren’t they going after THEM instead of people who are trying to help pregnant women??

At the pregnancy center in my area, I know for a fact the ultrasounds are always done by either a doctor or licensed tech, they will take about the same amount of time as at any other ob/gyn.

My husband says this is just PP’s way of getting back at us for trying to pass laws that abortionists MUST show ultrasounds to the woman before going through with it.

Thank the Lord there are laws like that in many states already!
**BTW I was going through some paperwork the other day, and my 11- month old daughter found a picture of an unborn child at only about 6 weeks old. **

She pointed to it and got this huge grin on her face and said, "BABY!!"

Now if a child of less than one year can figure that one out, how stupid do these abortionists have to be?
I heard a presentation from a nurse who works at A Woman’s Concern, a crisis pregnancy center. She said they do ultrasounds, and not only do they often result in a mother keeping her baby but they also detect problems that could result in a miscarriage. Apparently the national miscarriage rate is around 20%, so 20% of the girls who decide to get an abortion would have lost their baby naturally. In refusing to give women ultrasounds, Planned Parenthood is performing abortions on women who would lose their baby anyway!

The ironic part, she said, was that when a girl is told she will likely miscarry, she usually cries.
Christian4life said:
**BTW I was going through some paperwork the other day, and my 11- month old daughter found a picture of an unborn child at only about 6 weeks old. **

She pointed to it and got this huge grin on her face and said, "BABY!!"

Now if a child of less than one year can figure that one out, how stupid do these abortionists have to be?

Stupid? No. They rationalize, they lie, they ignore -anything to not deal with the fact that this is a baby and they are killing him or her. They make good money from this and when greed sets in…Oy vey!!!

I’m so sorry for the loss of your baby.
I don’t understand the controversy. Is someone trying to force women to have ultrasounds prior to abortion? Why are they being done in women who desire abortion?
Momofone said:
Stupid? No. They rationalize, they lie, they ignore -anything to not deal with the fact that this is a baby and they are killing him or her. They make good money from this and when greed sets in…Oy vey!!!

I’m so sorry for the loss of your baby.

I don’t know that many of them do it for the money…I think they just do it because it’s their job and they think it is okay. But I don’t know. Someone told me Planned Parenthood was going in the red. And after I sat back down from my happy dance, I wondered how that could be…

Thanks…I wasn’t very far along at all, so it wasn’t as hard as it might’ve been, so I’m glad of that at least.
I don’t understand the controversy. Is someone trying to force women to have ultrasounds prior to abortion? Why are they being done in women who desire abortion?
Sometimes they do ultrasounds in abortion minded women to determine how far along she is.

But to answer your question, no, they are not trying to force them to have the ultrasounds prior to abortions. Planned Barrenhood is trying to “force” Crisis Pregnancy Centers to STOP giving ultrasounds, claiming that it will hurt the baby.
Actually it IS required by law in SOME states that a woman going for an abortion has to see her kid on ultrasound first. I think that is a good law, better find out now than later that it is a baby in there. PP doesn’t like it because it makes them lose business.

But that’s not the topic of this thread. The topic is the fact that they are trying to make pregnancy centers lose their right to do ultrasounds, claiming that the FDA issued a warning against using ultrasounds for “entertainment”. Which is rediculous, since they aren’t going after the people who actually ARE doing it for entertainment. At pregnancy centers, it is almost always done by a doctor or tech, as it is at an ob/gyn. I have yet to meet a single pregnant women who was not asked to do an ultrasound at some point by her doctor.
Actually it IS required by law in SOME states that a woman going for an abortion has to see her kid on ultrasound first. I think that is a good law, better find out now than later that it is a baby in there. PP doesn’t like it because it makes them lose business. Thanks. I had forgotten that.

But that’s not the topic of this thread. The topic is the fact that they are trying to make pregnancy centers lose their right to do ultrasounds, claiming that the FDA issued a warning against using ultrasounds for “entertainment”. Which is rediculous, since they aren’t going after the people who actually ARE doing it for entertainment. At pregnancy centers, it is almost always done by a doctor or tech, as it is at an ob/gyn. I have yet to meet a single pregnant women who was not asked to do an ultrasound at some point by her doctor. Didn’t the original post say that PP was claiming that the ultrasounds could hurt the unborn baby? Or are they trying to claim both?
I don’t understand the controversy. Is someone trying to force women to have ultrasounds prior to abortion? Why are they being done in women who desire abortion?
Norbert:mad: 80% of women decide to not murder their baby after having an ultrasound:mad: The ultrasound in most cases runs!So help me to understand your position Norbert you rather the women have an informed choice and see there is not just a blob of tissue in there see that they have in them a human being who will be slaughtered
I know. “Experts required” indeed. Having watched 2 different doctors perform ultrasound on me when I was pregnant, I feel pretty sure I could’ve picked up the wand and done it myself the exact same way. It ain’t rocket science.
Notice abortionistts have no requirements for licencing.
Here is one article about it, I would post one to their actual suit, but I don’t know about you, it makes me sick to have to go to PP’s website. So here’s the article from a TRUE perspective.

Oh, and while you are there, check out the ad for Conservative Match . com. I thought that was hilarious, especially the slogan “sweethearts, not bleeding hearts”.
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