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I know this probably sounds odd, but I need help. I was discussing heaven with one of my friends. After our conversation was finished I continued to think on it. And in a way, the thought of Heaven scares me. Forever seems sooooo long. And it scares me as to how that can be. Also having an eternity of memories. To know there will never be an end. I’m sorry, but seeing that side scared me. I need some help with this. Thank you.
We exist in time and space…therefore we measure everything we do in that manner. God exists outside time and space. In Heaven, we wont be bored…or have such concepts as marking time. There’s a saying in the bible that for the Lord, a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is but a day…that could possibly mean that 10,000 years of earthly time can be measured for us in Heaven as a mere 10 days!..have no fear that we will probably have some similar form of time measurement when we can finally think outside of our finite minds…and think in infinity. 🙂
This is from a previous post I made. It takes in all I’ve learned about Heaven from various reliable sources over the years. And the earlier post about no time is right.

My understanding is that anyone who is in the state of grace is already in Heaven, they just don’t experience it in this world. This is why the mystics talk about consolations, ecstasies etc as being small foretastes of Heaven. Heaven is God, God is Heaven. We shall be immersed in God. It will be a state of sheer bliss. And the beatific vision will be sheer bliss too. We shall have the added bliss of seeing our Lady and all the Angels and Saints. We shall be completly contented, perfect peace, and existing in a blissful state that we know shall never end. In Heaven the only virtue we need is charity. The others shall no longer be needed.
God will infuse endless and an infinite variety of blissful blessings into us. We shall never tire of Heaven. But sing endlessly the praises of God.
If I’m right. I hope I make it. Sounds good.
Further to my prior post. One thing we shall be grateful for, in Heaven, is the knowledge that this blissful state shall never end.
it sounds as if it is not the prospect of heaven which scares you, but the prospect of eternity. it is a nearly impossible concept for humans, rooted in time as we are, to comprehend. if you are allowing anxiety to enter your mind, let it be fear of eternity spent banished from heaven that scares you.
I know this probably sounds odd, but I need help. I was discussing heaven with one of my friends. After our conversation was finished I continued to think on it. And in a way, the thought of Heaven scares me. Forever seems sooooo long. And it scares me as to how that can be. Also having an eternity of memories. To know there will never be an end. I’m sorry, but seeing that side scared me. I need some help with this. Thank you.
Thats how i used to feel about it,but after ALOT of thought,god has made heaven for us so that we are in paradise and bliss!
I know the thought of forever seems quite scary,but i dont think it will be at all like that when we reach heaven!
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