Please help me make Our Lord's Passion more real

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I have difficulty seeing how my sins (mine in particular) caused Our Lord to suffer the passion. I sin, that’s for sure but I never said ‘crucify him’, I didn’t drive the nails in, I wasn’t there! I know this is contrary to my Catholic Education. I try to be very devout and go to Mass daily and go to confession every 2 weeks and say the Rosary and chaplet just about daily along with other prayers like the 7dolors of Our Lady. But still I just don’t quite get the connection. You see its like this - I wasn’t there. I wasn’t in Jerusalem with Jesus was crucified. I know his crucifiction crossed time and space. I know the Mass is an unbloody representation of the crucifiction and we are present at the foot of the cross but some how I just don’t get it because I can’t see it, taste it, touch it. At times I really meditate on the Our Lord’s passion during the 7 Dolors of Mary or during the chaplet of Divine Mercy but still most of the time I just don’t get it. Although I say ‘crucify him’ as part of the Good Friday service but that’s different.

I’ve found my walk with Our Lord to be deepened through brutal honesty with myself. Please guide me. Thanks.
My dear child, do you not see that by sinning we all ARE driving the nails into the cross? May God bless you in your journey of finding the truth.
Ask Jesus to show you how much each of your little sins hurt Him and be open and truly listen.
I see my Jesus crucified,
His wounded hands and feet and side,
His sacred flesh all rent and torn,
His bloddy crown of sharpest thorn.

Those cruel nails, I drove them in,
Each time I pierced Him with my sin,
That crown of thorns 'twas I who wove,
When I despised His gracious love.

Then to those feet I’ll venture near,
And wash them with a contrite tear,
And every bleeding wound I see,
I’ll think He bore them all for me.

Deep graven on my sinful heart,
Oh, never may that form depart,
That with me always may abide
The thought of Jesus crucified.

Jesus was crucifed for EVERY sin that was committed and will be committed.
Because we are sinful, we would never be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. We, being mortal do not have the ability to make an adequate sacrifice to make up for the nature of the “original sin” The sacrifice had to be of a supernatural nature.

Because we inherited the fall in human nature, not only was it the sins that had already been committed it is also the sins that were yet to come that required “The Divine Sacrifice”.

Because I am sinful My beloved Jesus was Crucifed!

Lord have mercy on me!
I have difficulty seeing how my sins (mine in particular) caused Our Lord to suffer the passion
The reason that Our Lord had to come down from Heaven to suffer and die is to take our punishment on Himself. Our sin is the very reason that He suffered and died.

Yours in Christ
In the Garden of Gethsemane, when Jesus was shown the Cup of suffering…he wasnt just shown the sins of those in THAT TIME…he was shown the sins of you, me, the entire world…sins we committed in the past as well as sins we have yet to commit…his was an Eternal Now suffering… yes his PHYSICAL suffering was completed at the Cross…but MYSTCIALLY he allows himself to still suffer…and has allowed himself to appear as the Man of Sorrows…full of blood and wounds to many mystics in order to get that point across. We are fully capable of WOUNDING Christ in a Supernatural way…yesterday, today, 10 years from now, etc…so, yes…out of all the theologians I have listened to…it must have escaped me…cause it took Mel Gibson in an interview when he said "it was MY hand…YOUR hand…OUR hand that drove those nails into Jesus hands…when I heard that, I kinda looked like this: :eek:

Hope that helps…its a synopis of what I wanted to go into detail about. 🙂

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree?
Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree?
Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree?

Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
Faithful 2 Rome:
…out of all the theologians I have listened to…it must have escaped me…cause it took Mel Gibson in an interview when he said "it was MY hand…YOUR hand…OUR hand that drove those nails into Jesus hands…when I heard that, I kinda looked like this: :eek:
I know Mel Gibson is not a saint. But he has done more for the Catholic Faith then all the Bishops put together!

God bless Mel and make him a saint!
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