I am in a discussion on another forum about Jesus selecting Peter as the leader of His Church. This is a response that I got, can you help me respond?
Well, hoser, I’m impressed by your explanations of the Greek and Aramaic. But I’m still troubled by the masculine petros vs. the feminine petra. Yes, Jesus spoke in Aramaic, but isn’t it possible that when Jesus spoke to Peter Jesus addressed him as Kepha, presumably masculine, and used a feminine word for “on this stone”? After all, why would the gospel writer use the feminine at that point? As I’m sure you know, in ancient languages (Greek and Latin, at least), abstract “things” were in the feminine, and concrete things were masculine or neuter.
I believe just before Jesus spoke, Peter told Jesus that he believed He was the Chris. I had read this passage as Jesus saying “And you are Peter, and on this stone [your expression of faith, identifying me as Christ (and a play on words with the masculine petros)] I will found my church.”
Why didn’t the gospel writer simply keep the masculine, if petros and petra were synonyms?"
Thank you
Well, hoser, I’m impressed by your explanations of the Greek and Aramaic. But I’m still troubled by the masculine petros vs. the feminine petra. Yes, Jesus spoke in Aramaic, but isn’t it possible that when Jesus spoke to Peter Jesus addressed him as Kepha, presumably masculine, and used a feminine word for “on this stone”? After all, why would the gospel writer use the feminine at that point? As I’m sure you know, in ancient languages (Greek and Latin, at least), abstract “things” were in the feminine, and concrete things were masculine or neuter.
I believe just before Jesus spoke, Peter told Jesus that he believed He was the Chris. I had read this passage as Jesus saying “And you are Peter, and on this stone [your expression of faith, identifying me as Christ (and a play on words with the masculine petros)] I will found my church.”
Why didn’t the gospel writer simply keep the masculine, if petros and petra were synonyms?"
Thank you