Hi: I have a question that I’m embarrassed to ask but here goes:
First a set up: I’m a rather scrupulous person but I’m also about 20-30 lbs overweight. I realize gluttony, pride and vanity are sins and I want to overcome them. I have tried diets and exercise but no luck. My willpower is very weak.
My question is: are over-the-counter diet products (pills, Slim-Fast etc.) sinful? If so, why and what can I do instead?
Thanks and God bless you and yours,
First a set up: I’m a rather scrupulous person but I’m also about 20-30 lbs overweight. I realize gluttony, pride and vanity are sins and I want to overcome them. I have tried diets and exercise but no luck. My willpower is very weak.
My question is: are over-the-counter diet products (pills, Slim-Fast etc.) sinful? If so, why and what can I do instead?
Thanks and God bless you and yours,