Please help my fear of Hell is paralyzing

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I really don’t know what to do. I’m so scared of hell and going there it leaves me feeling so anxious. I went to confession just a few days ago. The priest told me all my sins I’ve confessed are forgiven and that God won’t send me to hell for them. He told me that I should have love and not this fear. That made me feel better momentarily. I’m still in a state of Grace but the effects of the kind words of the priest have faded and now I am scared again. Can you please give me some advice or some scripture to help me calm down?

I want to be love based and not fear based. I don’t want to offend God by not accepting his forgiveness. It is just difficult when I get so anxious about this. I’ve heard Satan is also called the “accuser” so maybe this is coming from him?

Btw: Am getting treated by a therapist currently for these issues but it just also helps when I read comforting words from others in my faith.

Thank you so much. I will greatly appreciate your replies and look back at them when these fears resurface as they occur most days of the week.
Are you afraid of your parents or your best friends punishing you severely if you go against them? hopefully not so why are you so afraid that God wont give you the opportunity to always be forgiven if you dare go against him? That is not to make a mockery of God’s grace and keep on sinning constantly(that is behaviour that will lead to Hell) but to have a belief that God wants you in Heaven more than you want God and he will always provide an opportunity for forgiveness if you fall so long as your aim is to be with him in Heaven. The ones that should be afraid of God are those who really love their sins, do you love your sins? Very likely not.
That is not to make a mockery of God’s grace and keep on sinning constantly(that is behaviour that will lead to Hell)
Yes I don’t sin constantly with a mindset of “oh I’ll just confess later.” I sometimes mess up but not with the intention of abusing his mercy.

And while I might get some fleeting “enjoyment” from sins I don’t “love them.” I hate them!

Thanks for your reply. It made sense when you brought up my parents/friends. Puts it into perspective. If they would forgive me then of course God is so much more forgiving.
Sounds pretty healthy to me really, Pope Benedict said this about the types of people in Hell " There can be people who have totally destroyed their desire for truth and readiness to love, people for whom everything has become a lie, people who have lived for hatred and have suppressed all love within themselves. This is a terrifying thought, but alarming profiles of this type can be seen in certain figures of our own German history. In such people all would be beyond remedy and the destruction of good would be irrevocable: this is what we mean by the word hell” you don’t sound like that sort of person so the chances of you going to Heaven i would say are at least as great as the chances you have of waking up tomorrow.
Oh thank you so much that helped me instantly calm down to read. I am full of love for God and all others around me. I have been thinking about hell more than heaven which is obviously bad so I’m going to redirect my focus!

God Bless 🙂
God is Our Father. think of the parable of the Prodigal Son, where it was the son’s father who was waiting for his son to return, and threw a party to celebrate his coming home. Look up the parable in Luke 15:11–32.
I will. Thank you so much. Listening to something like this really helps me at night!
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