I need help. My life has always been strange, every woman in my family has been blessed. My grandmother had the ability to communicate with the dead, my mother has the ability to predict the future, and I seem to have both. I also have had miracles attributed to me, healing the sick, and blessing a woman who was trying to conceive. Recently though, I feel like my life has changed severely. It all started at the beginning of last month. I was laying in bed almost asleep (after my nightly prayer to the rosary). I was holding my rosary in hand, and closed my eyes. I had thanked god for the world, and prayed for my family (my mother was quite sick at the time). I asked him to give me a sign that all would be well. I opened my eyes, and looked at the ceiling. Floating above me was Jesus. He smiled at me and took my hand. His hand was cold, and firm, but in a fatherly way. He smiled and pulled me up (I am now sitting) and he placed my hand on the bible that I keep on my bedside table. I was crying, as I had felt extremely blessed and privileged to have had this vision. Jesus then wiped my tears and disappeared. I had prayed intensely and thanked god for his gifts, then promptly fell asleep. I had noted this experience in the cover of my bible, and as I was reading over it a week later, I felt a wave of relaxation and calm fall over me. I looked up across the room at the television on my bureau. In it I saw my reflection, with a halo, and a beam of light shining down on my head. The place I was sitting had just happened to be directly under a poster of the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling. I looked up, and as I looked at the painting of God creating Adam, a beam of white light had flashed, and I collapsed to the floor. God gave me a vision of heaven, white and pure, with happy people and large beautiful gardens. He spoke to me, and I felt myself say “Take note of this, God loves all, and wants not for anyone to burn in the fires of Hell, for the only truly unforgiveable sin is nonrepentace, and not accepting Jesus in your heart”. I had felt sharp claws on my legs pull me down to earth. I opened my eyes and I was on the floor, and my legs had scratches and claw marks (that are still there now)