If you have a mortal sin that you committed some years ago, and you cannot remember if you ever confessed it, what do you do?
To be safe, and to put your mind to rest, I’d just confess it next time you go.
Also, how much detail do you have to give about the nature of your sin, specifically lust or impure thoughts. is it enough to say “I have had impure thoughts” or “I have lusted” or do you need to go into greater detail.
I think as long as you’re not trying to “hide” anything, you don’t need play-by-play details. I usually say, “I lusted after (x number) of girls.” Or, and sadly this happends, if it’s truly just too many times to count, I say that. “I lusted too many times to count since my last confession.”
Is it neseccary to re-confess any sins that have not been properly confessed (given enough details)?
It’s necessary to re-confess any mortal sins that you may have forgotten to confess. If you intentionally did not confess any mortal sin, well then you need to confess next time that you made a bad confession, in addition to whatever you withheld. But again, as far as re-confessing something because you didnt go into “enough detail”, unless you intentionally were hiding something, I don’t see why you should re-confess with more detail. Usually, stating the nature of the sin is all that’s required. ie, lust, masturbation, etc. and usually the # of times.
Also, is it nessecary to have mental fantasies in order to committ lust or can it be committed by strong physical attraction to another person? Thank you for your help.
I’ve had the same questions before. From what I’ve learned, lust is a sexual desire; it’s more than normal attraction (which isnt sinful at all). If you think a girl is incredibly beautiful, that’s great! That’s how God made you to feel. The sin is when you look upon her as a sexual object and entertain sexual thoughts about her. But I don’t want to be the final authority on such an important issue, so I would strongly advise seeking out an orthodox priest who is faithful to the Church and get his advice.
May God bless you,