Please, I have a question :'(

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Okay so My Son works at hospital, and is only off every other weekend, His boss will not let him off every Sunday for Mass.
I told Father this,and he seemed to of understood, but a gal is saying it is a Sin…
My son has his job, he can not get out of it on the Sundays he is scheduled…I tried over and over to tell this gal That Father knows about it, and it does not seem to bother him he said he does not know why his boss will not let him off but he seemed to of understood, But this gal is not trying to understand… She asked if he could go to mass another day, I said well Son is off Tuesdays and every other weekend and Masses are Thursdays,and Sundays… She is not trying to listen to me about it…What can I say to her I have not already told her?
He cant just say to his Boss I am taking Sundays off no matter what…
He does go on days off…Took RCIA, took Eucharist, has name in book,went to confession and Yes the Father knew before hand of how Son is only able to go every other Sunday, but this gal keeps on and on, Has me upset

Tell “this gal” it is none of her business and don’t discuss it with her any more.

I presume your son has discussed this with his own confessor and received advice and is following it. It’s his business. Not “this gal’s” business.

It’s unfortunate that if you discuss your Catholic practice with other people they often become quite the buttinskys. I don’t recommend such discussions.
Okay… She asked if he said the Rosary,and I said yes and it went from there,and all she keeps asking is did he talk to Father, well yes that is what Iv been trying to tell her…
If Father understood, I do not see why she cant understand it…
But your right…I took myself out of that situation as of this moment, 3 days of her is enough… God knows, Father Alber knows,and another Father knows thats all that matters
“Well bless your heart for your concern, but don’t worry, I have it all under control. I spoke with my priest and he advised me what to do. It is no longer up for discussion.”

And then, change the subject. Repeat as necessary.
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Why is it so important to you to convince this person that she is wrong?

Your priest is aware of the situation and does not seem to be concerned. Assuming this priest is your pastor, he has the authority to assess things like this. Even if Father isn’t your pastor, he certainly has more authority in the matter than this woman you speak of. Be at peace, and try not to tie yourself up in knots over stuff like this. It’s not worth it.
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UpUp is right. It is none of that “gal’s” business.
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For a second there I thought you were saying it’s none of my business 😁
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I am not trying to convince her, she keeps asking about it, I tell her and she goes off…After three days of her doing this I finally said enough ,and refuse to keep on with her about this…
Good job! She sounds ghastly, putting her nose in your business like that!
Oh yes it was my Priest, We have Mass at this Church Sunday Mornings,and a priest at another Church that has Mass Saturday nights that we are attending, and actually the 2nd priest knew at the start before we even started RCIA class, he said today he has 2 more that are going through same thing and is entering into his Church, but he said it was okay, that he will see me the 10th to bless my house 🙂
So 2 fathers from 2 churches know son can only get off every other Sunday and does not have a problem…
Thank you so much for talking to me about this 🙂 I was so upset I went and said the Divine Mercy Rosary and feel much much better
I feel bad in away but after 3 days with her, I feel best to distant myself from her…
Yes, My son wishes he could make it every Mass and not just every other Sunday but he can make it Every other weekend… Luckly he was off so this past Saturday he took his first Eucharist… Father Reehan was happy, so was Jacob… and Father knows he had to work when he was suppose to be confirmed but father said he can do that Aug 3rd which son is excited about because he is off that day, and father Reehan said not to worry
“The sabbath was made for gal, and not gal for the sabbath.” That’s straight out of the bible with gender inclusive language. Saturday vigil mass is fine (incidentally at the end of the actual sabbath) and even in some essential service jobs where someone cannot attend weekend Mass they can get a dispensation.
Okay… She asked if he said the Rosary,and I said yes and it went from there,and all she keeps asking is did he talk to Father, well yes that is what Iv been trying to tell her…
If Father understood, I do not see why she cant understand it…
But your right…I took myself out of that situation as of this moment, 3 days of her is enough… God knows, Father Alber knows,and another Father knows thats all that matters
Is this girl a relative or friend? Her concern is sweet, however sometimes it is best to say something once and then tell the person you have no intention of going through the same conversation again.
Sometime fervent people interfere in your relationship with the Church and God. They mingle in your peace and try to play the prophet. Pray for them because in my experience even they, these faithful people, can be a tool of the tricksy one, he gets them from the right, in their desire to correct the world. They can be very compelling. You’re not helping them spiritually if you give in to them.
Pray for them and let them gossip whatever they want and maybe one day they will just stop.
Saturday vigil mass
Mam, I understand your worries about your son not being able to attend the Sunday mass. There is a lot of importance for the Sunday Obligation in Catholic life. I wish his boss understands the situation and has a solution to this. I will pray for him in today’s divine mercy rosary. I suggest you go through the Catholic Church`s teaching on this to shed more light.
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