“I was arrested on Good Friday for trespassing on the hospice center’s property . . . Not giving Mrs. Shiavo (sic) food or water was wrong. The reason I had to go on your property was because Jesus would do the same thing. It made me sad that she was so thirsty and it made Jesus sad too. I knew she would die without water and I am called by Jesus to be a defender of the defenceless. So I had to go on your property to try to bring her a drink.”
Joshua added, “I am sorry that you didn’t like that and wouldn’t allow me to help save her life and one day you will have to tell God why. I won’t be able to help you then like I tried to help her. I will pray for you every day . . .”
From: lifesite.net/ldn/2005/aug/05083103.html
Joshua added, “I am sorry that you didn’t like that and wouldn’t allow me to help save her life and one day you will have to tell God why. I won’t be able to help you then like I tried to help her. I will pray for you every day . . .”
From: lifesite.net/ldn/2005/aug/05083103.html