Student09, you DON’T have to force any celebratory feelings. This is a trial and pain doesn’t make us feel happy or it wouldn’t be pain. See the Book of Job if you need any confirmation for that. The knowledge that we are bearing the suffering for Christ, according to His will, can be a consolation that brings us spiritual joy even during our pain. Sometimes I have felt that during my pain, especially when I thank God for the pain as soon as it strikes me. At other times, I haven’t felt that consolation. But the pain itself, and the pain our obedience to God causes others, does not make us happy but sorrowful. If our pain gave us nothing but happiness, it could not be called “pain.”
Christ’s Cross hurt Him too. If he’d felt nothing but happiness, the Passion wouldn’t have had any value. It is because the Cross was hard for Him to bear, was deeply agonizing, that it has so much value to us and proves to us so richly His love.
Christ said, in the Garden of Gethsemane, “My soul is sorrowful unto death.” He prayed to the Father, “Take this cup from me! But not my will but yours be done.” Your soul has been united with His through your suffering, for you are sorrowful at your parents’ rejection as He was sorrowful in the rejection of His hometown and then the people of Jerusalem.