Please pray for me and my doubts about the Church

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I am coming into the Church through RCIA in a month and the last couple weeks, all my thoughts seem to make me doubt the Church and its beliefs. Not just in the small things but our purpose on this earth (which is totally crazy because my whole life I’ve been in church and I know and believe our purpose on this earth, to serve God!!). It just seems like I am all the time fighting these false thoughts. They did a prayer of exorcism over us in RCIA because they said this is the time that the devil will try to get to us the most, and i believe it. Please pray for me. Thank you…
I’m sure this forum is filled with men and women who will read your post and begin their prayer – "St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle . . . "

You are not alone.
I totally understand your feelings. Just push ahead full speed and go to the RCIA classes. Once you have finished RCIA and entered the Catholic Church, it is as though a window has just opened in a dark room and all becomes clear.

I just entered the Church this past Easter. My life has changed so very much.

I entered RCIA at the age of 43, I think that I went into the classes with some kind of “I’m gonna prove you wrong” thoughts in my head although I didn’t realize it at the time. Every person I knew made me think that going was crazy…“You want to become Catholic?”

I had no intentions of becoming a Catholic, my husband is Catholic (non-practicing) and I thought if I learned a little more about it then I could go to church there and he might follow.

Well, here I am almost one year since I started my RCIA…I think I’m one of the happiest people in the world.

I will pray for you to experience the same joy I have.
Just a suggestion: there was a time I was plagued by unwanted thoughts and had a hard time fighting them. Then it occurred to me that the thing to do was just stop fighting and just continue walking with God. Once I stopped letting them upset me, they disappeared like they had never been.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. :signofcross:
Lord these thoughts are not from you . Lord banish these thoughts and his mind to be clear . Lord renew his mind with thoughts of you , your ways and your love . thank you lord , in the name of Jesus , amen . Praise God ! L. please pray on your knees for guidance and strength ! Lord hear our prayers ! amen . / John
Re: Please pray for me and my doubts about the Church…

Lord these thoughts are not from you . Lord banish these thoughts and his mind to be clear . Lord renew his mind with thoughts of you , your ways and your love . thank you lord , in the name of Jesus , amen . Praise God ! UKDALL. please pray on your knees for guidance and strength ! Lord hear our prayers ! amen . / John:thumbsup:
The devil is most active when he senses a soul getting near to Christ. He will do his worst to make that soul run away from our Lord. I pray that the Holy Spirit is there to guide you, and keep you strong.
Overcome these thoughts with prayer. Even some Saints had periods of what they called ‘dryness’ or darkness’. Satan temps us all. Be strong and trust in God to get you through this.

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