Hi Folks,
I ask you all to please keep my family in your prayers, as we are drowning in job desperation and financial disaster. This has been going on for years, only now it is at another climax, and it hurts worse than ever, because it’s really starting to affect our kids.
I just edited my long blither about our situation. It’s long, complicated, and sad. Suffice it to say, we need God’s help urgently! My husband and I have been struggling to make ends meet, and have been through job search hell, and are snowballing toward ruin…we’re desperate.
I just can’t face this anymore. I’ve begged God for financial and vocational peace, but it doesn’t appear to be His will. I know His will is perfect, and He only gives you what you can take, and I’ve begged for His grace to get us through our trials. It’s one thing to heap suffering on me, but I can’t handle my children suffering because of me (I mean when it comes to basics, like food, clothing, things like that). I try to resign myself to His will, regardless of what it is, but I find myself asking HIm, crying out repeatedly, “What do You want me to do? I don’t know how to please you, Lord!” I feel completely ineffectual, useless in my own fate and the care of my family.
Since my prayers aren’t making a difference, I thought I’d ask for the prayers of you kind, devout folks here at the CAF boards. I see the list of petitions is long, and many involve life and death issues, horrible sorrows and tragedies that are more dire than mine. I will keep them all in my prayers, as well. They remind me of what I have to be grateful for. Please, if you could squeeze in one more for my family as well, I’d be so grateful.
I ask you all to please keep my family in your prayers, as we are drowning in job desperation and financial disaster. This has been going on for years, only now it is at another climax, and it hurts worse than ever, because it’s really starting to affect our kids.
I just edited my long blither about our situation. It’s long, complicated, and sad. Suffice it to say, we need God’s help urgently! My husband and I have been struggling to make ends meet, and have been through job search hell, and are snowballing toward ruin…we’re desperate.
I just can’t face this anymore. I’ve begged God for financial and vocational peace, but it doesn’t appear to be His will. I know His will is perfect, and He only gives you what you can take, and I’ve begged for His grace to get us through our trials. It’s one thing to heap suffering on me, but I can’t handle my children suffering because of me (I mean when it comes to basics, like food, clothing, things like that). I try to resign myself to His will, regardless of what it is, but I find myself asking HIm, crying out repeatedly, “What do You want me to do? I don’t know how to please you, Lord!” I feel completely ineffectual, useless in my own fate and the care of my family.
Since my prayers aren’t making a difference, I thought I’d ask for the prayers of you kind, devout folks here at the CAF boards. I see the list of petitions is long, and many involve life and death issues, horrible sorrows and tragedies that are more dire than mine. I will keep them all in my prayers, as well. They remind me of what I have to be grateful for. Please, if you could squeeze in one more for my family as well, I’d be so grateful.