Please pray for my lawyer's husband (open heart surgery)

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My lawyer’s husband is in the hospital after having open heart surgery. He is only 51 and had to have a heart valve replacement. He had not been sick before, was not overweight and never smoked. He got an infection and fever and needed emergency surgery. My lawyer is very distraught right now. Please pray for her husband and for her. Thank you all. :blessyou:
I have had a valve replacement done myself. I can understand just what is happening. I will be praying that his surgery goes as well as mine did. Also for the surgeon, & the whole medical team: wisdom & a good surgical job.
I had open heart surgery last year and the surgeon managed to repair the valve. I’ll pray for your husband and hope it’s successful. :gopray:
I had open heart surgery last year and the surgeon managed to repair the valve. I’ll pray for your husband and hope it’s successful. :gopray:
Thanks for your prayers. :blessyou: BTW, it’s not my husband (I’m not married), it’s my lawyer’s husband.
Most kind Father in heaven, please help this couple as they face this trial together. Please help them in their hour of need. I ask this in the name of your most beloved Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

God bless you both, and may your hubby have a speedy recovery!
May God’s love guide the medical staff attending this man and help the family’s body, mind, heart and soul. May comfort and peace replace their fear and anxiety. Amen.

Hope it was done at the Cleveland Clinic. It’s the best. (Had mine there)
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